Hello all,
A lot of fuss has been made on these forums and around the world in general regarding Pope Francis’ statements on capitalism, his study of Marxism, and where the Church stands on the issue. I’d like to offer a proposition to you all, just to get things started:
As Christians, we believe as a tenet that humanity is different from other animal species. We have the capacity to love, to know God, and to rise above our primal desires. Early Homo sapiens were hunter-gatherers, and lived in groups that shared all resources among themselves. Their was no concept of “this is mine and this is yours”. Only with the invention of agriculture and the rise of permanent settlements did humanity fall into the war between producer vs. consumer, have vs. have-not. Can humanity return to our original state of grace, where greed does not rule the world. Should this be our Church’s stance?
I believe that Jesus was sent to accomplish just that. I don’t think that God intended for us to use his Church as a place to go simply to reflect on his word and sit. Churches should be points of activism, rallying communities whose members are out to make a difference, not participate in this world of greed and exploitation! How can we call ourselves followers of Jesus when we give more time to our bosses and corporations than we do to God? The same corporations that grossly exploit workers in third world countries, and have destroyed lives of their fellow humans just to make a profit.
Early Christianity understood this. The early Church was not “Marxist” in name, but it certainly was in practice. Come on! Imagine you turn on the news, and hear about a group of hippies in the desert who follow a young leader, who live together and share everything and refuse to participate in Earthly corruption. At first glance, the world and even you would most likely chuckle at this group, and head to work. But isn’t that what early Christianity was?! And wouldn’t it be amazing if it could be that again?!
Capitalism does exploit the poor. It is a system of greed. It has conditioned us to believe that we are in constant competition with our fellow man, and encourages a mentality opposite of what Jesus desired from his Church. Wouldn’t it be great to go back to that early Church?
A lot of fuss has been made on these forums and around the world in general regarding Pope Francis’ statements on capitalism, his study of Marxism, and where the Church stands on the issue. I’d like to offer a proposition to you all, just to get things started:
As Christians, we believe as a tenet that humanity is different from other animal species. We have the capacity to love, to know God, and to rise above our primal desires. Early Homo sapiens were hunter-gatherers, and lived in groups that shared all resources among themselves. Their was no concept of “this is mine and this is yours”. Only with the invention of agriculture and the rise of permanent settlements did humanity fall into the war between producer vs. consumer, have vs. have-not. Can humanity return to our original state of grace, where greed does not rule the world. Should this be our Church’s stance?
I believe that Jesus was sent to accomplish just that. I don’t think that God intended for us to use his Church as a place to go simply to reflect on his word and sit. Churches should be points of activism, rallying communities whose members are out to make a difference, not participate in this world of greed and exploitation! How can we call ourselves followers of Jesus when we give more time to our bosses and corporations than we do to God? The same corporations that grossly exploit workers in third world countries, and have destroyed lives of their fellow humans just to make a profit.
Early Christianity understood this. The early Church was not “Marxist” in name, but it certainly was in practice. Come on! Imagine you turn on the news, and hear about a group of hippies in the desert who follow a young leader, who live together and share everything and refuse to participate in Earthly corruption. At first glance, the world and even you would most likely chuckle at this group, and head to work. But isn’t that what early Christianity was?! And wouldn’t it be amazing if it could be that again?!
Capitalism does exploit the poor. It is a system of greed. It has conditioned us to believe that we are in constant competition with our fellow man, and encourages a mentality opposite of what Jesus desired from his Church. Wouldn’t it be great to go back to that early Church?