Abortinist honoured - read what he had to say

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It’s funny that he lectured on well loved children and that abortion reduced the crime rate…he never mentioned that it also made him filthy rich.

It is IRONIC this man survived the Nazi death camps to be free to kill babies. What kind of cosmic joke is this? Further he is dead wrong saying that abortion results in ‘wanted’ children. There have been studies demonstrating that children of mothers who’d had abortions were MORE likely to be abused. It certainly makes sense doesn’t it? After all if a woman is willing to KILL one child, what’s a little abuse on the one that escaped the womb alive.

Beyond disgusting and I am delighted that people pulled their donations from this disgraceful institution of learning

Lisa N
Ironic, how this victim of the Nazi machinery of death has adopted its goals and methods. When you internalize your victimization, you keep your victimizer alive inside long after he’s gone and you can justify all kinds of atrocities that you commit in lashing out. Perhaps, this abortionist should read Victor Frankl’s classic “Man’s Search for Meaning” though it would seem unlikely he’d accept its truth.
“Well-loved children grow into adults who do not build concentration camps, do not rape and do not murder,” said Morgentaler, 82, who himself survived a Nazi death camp. He claimed that violent crime has decreased since 1991, a trend he attributed to more abortion procedures being made available.

“The most important factor is that there are fewer unwanted children, fewer children likely to be abused, brutalized or neglected … children so victimized they may grow up for a thirst for vengeance which seeks an outlet in violence,” he said.

Hold up my friends. Try to understand this lost soul. Try to understand his pain. Try to be part of the solution. Look at how the child inside this man has explained what happened to his parents.

I weep real tears for this child.

He has said that children who are not loved grow up to be vengeful and violent. The adaptive child in Henry says that the reason the Nazis committed this atrocity against his parents is because they themselves were not loved. So focussed has he been on the ‘other’ that he has not seen the ‘shadow self’ in the ‘other.’

God loved Henry when the Nazis took away his parents. And God loves Henry now. I have been wanting to speak with Henry for very long now, because I have always had a sense that he was searching for something which would make him lay down his fear.

Please pray for Henry, for the child inside this man. You fathers and mothers out there, please pray for Henry, that he might look up and see how much God loves him.
The CBC story featured a photograph with prolifers standing behind a barricade. One was holding up a poster asking,
Ani on Dr. Morgentaler

“The most important factor is that there are fewer unwanted children, fewer children likely to be abused, brutalized or neglected … children so victimized they may grow up for a thirst for vengeance which seeks an outlet in violence,” he said.

He has said that children who are not loved grow up to be vengeful and violent. The adaptive child in Henry says that the reason the Nazis committed this atrocity against his parents is because they themselves were not loved. So focussed has he been on the ‘other’ that he has not seen the ‘shadow self’ in the ‘other.’

Ani, I agree he most certainly does need prayers. However, I think the experience he suffered left him feeling the “thirst for vengeance which seeks an outlet in violence.”
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