Abortion: a man's right to choose?

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Listening to all the secular feminist rhetoric about “a woman’s right to choose” has got me thinking: what if abortion is not about women after all? Sure, it’s about a tiny being that is growing inside a woman’s body, but I am starting to wonder if the focus of this issue should be shifted more to men.

After all, why do most women have abortions? Because thier husband doesn’t want another child, their boyfriend won’t support them, they were raped, their dad will kill them if he finds out that they’re pregnant, the list goes on. I’m not suggesting that women are completely blameless for their own pregnancy (at least, not in the case of consensual sex), but it seems that most of them feel like they have no other way out of a bad situation. I can’t say that I know any woman who, after finding out that she is pregnant, would say, “Oh good! I’ve always wanted an abortion; now I have my chance!”

Yes, women are fully accountable if they choose to have an abortion. I am not implying that they aren’t. And certainly women and men should both be educated about alternatives to abortion, such as adoption. I am simply saying that if not for disrespectful, irresponsible men (who incidentally performed the first medical abortions as less-than-Hippocratic physicians), then abortion would occur much more infrequently.

Perhaps we should focus our energy on teaching the men of the world to take responsibility for the children they father, and to have greater respect for the women in their lives. If this happens, then I bet that far fewer women would have abortions. It is not about a woman’s choice (after all, what mother really wants to kill her baby?); it is about a man’s. When men choose the right thing, women will follow suit.

*Disclaimer: I recognize that abortion is a necessity when both mother and baby’s life is in danger (such as in an ectopic pregnancy). Neither mother, father, nor child is responsible for this, but for the mother to survive and bring forth more children, such an abortion must take place. I am *not advocating the abolition of this sort of abortion, or the condemnation of the parents who must go through this awful procedure.
Abortion, and birth control, freed men from sexual responsibility.
Women have cooperated by letting them get away with it.

kfarose2585 said:
*Disclaimer: I recognize that abortion is a necessity when both mother and baby’s life is in danger (such as in an ectopic pregnancy). Neither mother, father, nor child is responsible for this, but for the mother to survive and bring forth more children, such an abortion must take place. I am *not advocating the abolition of this sort of abortion, or the condemnation of the parents who must go through this awful procedure.

You need to check your disclaimer. It’s important not only for your understanding, but for the understanding of those who read your post, that you use the right terminology in the right way.

Ending an ectopic pregnancy is NOT an abortion.

Ectopic pregnancies are different in that it is the removal of the organ (so that it will not burst) that indirectly kills the child, not that the child is killed so that the mother can live. This invokes the so called dual effect doctrine wherein a) the act itself (removal of the tube) cannot be immoral; b) the bad effect (death of the child) is not a “means” of obtaining the good; c) the bad effect (death of the child) must not be the intended, but must be merely tolerated; and d) the good is sufficient to outweigh the bad.

Re: men v. women, both parties have been complicit in the use and legalization of abortion as a means to murder the unborn.
Not all ectopic pregnancies are tubal. I had a friend who had one in her cervix, and the pregnancy was terminated by injecting something directly into the fetus that was intended to kill the unborn child. There was simply no other alternative. Aside from cases like that, I assume that you are probably correct in my misapplication of the term “abortion.” Thank you for correcting me.

You are all right about complacency with birth control and abortion being such a problem. What do you think we can do to amend this?
The Barrister:
Ending an ectopic pregnancy is NOT an abortion.
It can be. I recently read a story of a woman who opted not to end her ectopic pregnancy, against the wishes of her doctors, and gave birth to a healthy child.

In Christ,
Nancy 🙂
I agree that men must be taught to take more responsibility- you put it very eloquently. They must be made aware of their responsibility.

Unfortunetly, secular ‘tradition’ has now eliminated the necessity for a man to be held responsible to some degree, because sex is not unitive in the courts, that embryo growing in a woman’s womb, though a product of both an egg and a sperm, is the property of the woman… Property, embryo. Uggh. What a way to speak of one of the greatest creations of God!

There have actually been cases brought to court, where men demanded that they wanted their child. The judges ruled in favour of the women who wanted the abortions.

And men who fight against the murder of thousands of babies, are called innumerable names by the media and by pro-abortion advocates, because they are chauvinists and anti-women… It makes me want to cry.

But no one said it would be easy! “Blessed are those who are persecuted in my name…”
It can be. I recently read a story of a woman who opted not to end her ectopic pregnancy, against the wishes of her doctors, and gave birth to a healthy child.

In Christ,
Nancy 🙂
Being a Nurse and having studied anatomy, I doubt this. I would have to see the ultrasounds to prove where the pregnancy actually was.
You are all right about complacency with birth control and abortion being such a problem. What do you think we can do to amend this?
There are so many things that need to be done, but I think it all boils down to attitude change. A whole generation is growing up (and being indoctrinated in school) believing they have a right to abortion on demand (which they don’t, regardless of what the Supreme Court thinks) and even that abortion is an acceptable form of birth control (another can of worms). We must all work to change these attitudes and bring these misguided individuals to the truth that life begins at conception, and abortion is nothing more than state-sanctioned murder.

The best place to start is with our children. If we make sure they know and accept the Truth, then even if we fail they will be equipped to succeed.

I think you’re on the righ track. To a great degree I believe the abortion crisis is all about avoiding the consequences of your actions. Sadly, it is a natural biproduct in our society that aggresively markets sexual irresponsibility, then offers abortion as the “easy” way to avoid the natural results of that conduct. Men and women are equally culpable (excluding forced or coerced sexual conduct of course). If more men were responsible for their sexual conduct - and abstained from sex until married - less women would find themselves facing the horror of an abortion. Too many women have suffered anguish because a man did not have the courage to act responsibly.
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