Abortion and breast cancer link cover up

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Abortion-breast cancer link covered up by scientists?
Researcher says ‘pro-choice’ bias has hidden deadly risks to women

Posted: May 16, 2005
1:00 a.m. Eastern

© 2005 WorldNetDaily.com

A pioneer researcher into the connection between abortion and breast cancer says an overwhelming amount of evidence collected in nearly 50 years of studies demonstrating a conclusive link has been systematically covered up by biased scientists, government agencies and the news media using fraudulent data to deceive women about potentially life-and-death decisions.

Joel Brind, a Ph.D. and professor of human biology and endocrinology at Baruch College, City University of New York and president of the Breast Cancer Prevention Institute, has authored a paper for the National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly refuting several recent studies downplaying the abortion-breast cancer link.

In particular, Brind cites a widely noticed paper published by Valerie Beral and four other Oxford University scientists in The Lancet in 2004 and statements of the National Cancer Institute in 2003.

The Beral study finding was unequivocal: “Pregnancies that end as a spontaneous or induced abortion do not increase a woman’s risk of developing breast cancer.” The NCI has stated on its website since 2003 “having an abortion or miscarriage does not increase a woman’s subsequent risk of developing breast cancer.”

“The trouble is, to accept this conclusion, one needs to dismiss almost half a century’s worth of data which do show a significant link between abortion and an increased risk of breast cancer,” writes Brind.

Brind says “denial of the ABC link has become the party line of all major governmental agencies (including the World Health Organization), mainstream medical associations (including the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists) and the most prestigious medical journals (including the New England Journal of Medicine).”

The first study done on the link was in 1957 in Japan, published in the Japanese Journal of Cancer Research, and found breast cancer had a three-fold higher frequency in women who had abortions. Again in 1979, the World Health Organization commissioned a high-profile study based at Harvard and published in the WHO Bulletin that reported a disturbing trend “in the direction which suggested increased risk associated with abortion – contrary to the reduction in risk with full-term births.”

“The fact that the WHO findings never entered the debate reveals a disturbing – and continuing – disconnect between the so-called women’s health advocates pushing for legalized abortion and any genuine concern for women’s health,” writes Brind.

Those studies were followed by the first based on American women in 1981 by Malcolm Pike and his colleagues at the University of Southern California. The results showed women who had an abortion before they had any children were at a 2.4-fold increased risk for breast cancer.

“One would think, especially given the overwhelmingly elective nature of the induced abortion, that the precautionary principle would prevail, if not in terms of legal regulation, then at least in terms of recommendations by medical societies and public health agencies,” writes Brind. “That is to say, even one or two studies showing a significant association between induced abortion and future breast cancer risk would surely raise some red flags about the procedure’s safety. Yet not only was a statistical connection showing up in the vast majority of studies that had examined the issue, but by the early 1980s, a clear picture of the physiological events explaining that connection was beginning to emerge.” Brind points out that the connection went beyond statistics. In the 1970s, the science explaining the connection was becoming understood through laboratory research into reproductive endocrinology. In 1976, the British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology published a study documenting the difference between the enormous rise of estrogen and progesterone in the first trimester of viable pregnancies and the stunted and short-lived rise of these hormones during pregnancies destined to abort spontaneously through miscarriage. These findings, he says, dovetail perfectly with the patterns of differences in breast cancer risk following different pregnancy outcomes.
Here are a few links - both sides to be fair -on this vital topic.





There is much more information. Just type Abortion Breast Cancer into a search engine and browse.
I still believe Brind has the best data and associates on these studies.
Problem is, do you think Planned Parenthood is going to discuss this with the women who come into their clinics, show them echo sonograms and go over their options.
Pigs will fly before that happens.
I’m not sure if I read this correctly, but is there a link between miscarriages(esp. the 1st pregnancy) and breast cancer, too? If so, I may be in deep dog doo-doo!!!
I’m not sure if I read this correctly, but is there a link between miscarriages(esp. the 1st pregnancy) and breast cancer, too? If so, I may be in deep dog doo-doo!!!
Sorry - I didn’t read the article but I have heard this before, and my understanding is that miscarriages that happen naturally do not show an increase in cancer risk. It is the “forced miscarriage” of abortion (abortifacients, etc.) that increase the risk of cancer for the reasons that I’m sure were cited in the article. You can also find the information on many of the pro-life websites.

Or here:

I’ve also heard some pro-lifers say that the link between abortion and breast cancer is at the same level as was the link to nicotene and cancer in the 50’s-60’s which was also concealed. The information will come out and there should be class-action lawsuits due to the knowing concealment of this information.
I’m not sure if I read this correctly, but is there a link between miscarriages(esp. the 1st pregnancy) and breast cancer, too? If so, I may be in deep dog doo-doo!!!
I saw a film on this in our pro-life ministry and natural miscarriages do NOT raise cancer risks,because a miscarriage is caused by a lack of certain hormones to sustain a pregnancy ,so the normal changes in your breast do not occur.Do not worry momfone:)
My understanding is that in a miscarriage, there is a natural change in the hormone levels that is not harmful to the body.
It is the sudden induced abortion of a baby that messes up the hormone levels in the body, which causes the problems.
pro-abortion people help cancer spread, could they be charged with attempted murder? 🙂
I’m not sure if I read this correctly, but is there a link between miscarriages(esp. the 1st pregnancy) and breast cancer, too? If so, I may be in deep dog doo-doo!!!
As Zooey wrote, there are different hormonal changes involved in miscarriage (sometimes called “spontaneous abortions”–I hate that term) compared to induced abortions. Unfortunately, sometimes researchers group together “spontaneous” and induced abortions.

At one hospital I was asked to fill out a form that asked about abortion and miscarriages in the same question to which I could answer only “yes or no”. I refused to answer that question because I was so offended that they would address the two as if they were the same thing. But nevertheless, some researches do lump them together in the abortion/breast cancer research. I think this may be the hideoous attempt by some to scue the data to minimizing the chance of finding any link between induced abortion and breast cancer by included those of us who miscarried. I believe they should always separate the two, but the researchers may not always be the ones who designed the forms from which that abortion information was originally collected.
It seems that there is more and more information of the dangers, both physical and psychological, coming out these days. Unfortunately, it is not through the MSM. It is through these types of sites that the information is getting out.

This is why the MSM aft the left is so hostile to these sites. They cannot control it, so they try to destroy it.

My miscarriages didn’t occur due to hormone problems. They occured due to scar tissue in my uterus(why I had that, no one knows! Just a fluke, I guess) But, I’m guessing the same principle applies and I should be OK, in that regard. Now the family history-that’s another story…

Thanks for easing my mind, everyone.
On my recent mammogram, I was asked to fill out a questionnaire that asked how many live births (1) and how many pregnancies I’d had (5 – 4 miscarriages – i had a run-in with a glass door at age 7 and there is substantial scar tissue on my uterus – my dd is a miracle baby!!!)-- but no mention about abortion vs. miscarriage. I brought it to the examiner’s attention and she seemed surprised that there was a link. She went to the physician and the physician told her that there wasn’t any link. How do we break through and inform these people?
I’m not sure if I read this correctly, but is there a link between miscarriages(esp. the 1st pregnancy) and breast cancer, too? If so, I may be in deep dog doo-doo!!!

I think the consensus is this - Natural miscarraiges aren’t the problem. The problem seems to be with with ABORTIONS, or what we can call MAN-MADE, or FORCED, miscarraiges!

If I find anything else, I’ll let you know.

Momfone, since you are worried about this, you might ask your priest for the Sacrament of Healing and have a Heart to Heart with your Ob-Gyn.

I had an Acustic Tumor which predisposes me to have another. Any Doctor who deals with me has to know about it, unless they don’t deal with that part of the body of at all.

I’ll keep you in my prayers, but get the Sacrament of Healing and talk to your Ob-Gun. OK?

God Bless. Michael
Traditional Ang:

I think the consensus is this - Natural miscarraiges aren’t the problem. The problem seems to be with with ABORTIONS, or what we can call MAN-MADE, or FORCED, miscarraiges!

If I find anything else, I’ll let you know.

Momfone, since you are worried about this, you might ask your priest for the Sacrament of Healing and have a Heart to Heart with your Ob-Gyn.

I had an Acustic Tumor which predisposes me to have another. Any Doctor who deals with me has to know about it, unless they don’t deal with that part of the body of at all.

I’ll keep you in my prayers, but get the Sacrament of Healing and talk to your Ob-Gun. OK?

God Bless. Michael
Funny thing is, I’m going next week to see my ob-gyn. Just letting you know.
My miscarriages didn’t occur due to hormone problems. They occured due to scar tissue in my uterus(why I had that, no one knows! Just a fluke, I guess) But, I’m guessing the same principle applies and I should be OK, in that regard. Now the family history-that’s another story…

Thanks for easing my mind, everyone.
My understanding is that in early pregnancy, the cells in the breast begin to multiply, to eventually develop into milk producing cells. (or something to that effect). In early pregnancy however, these cells are still undifferentiated, and after an induced abortion they stay undifferentiated. These undifferentiated cells are highly unstable and more likely to develop into cancer cells later in life. Thus the connection.

In miscarriages (other than those due to trauma, I would suppose), the body “senses” the falling hormones which may be the cause of the miscarriage or an early result of the problems leading to miscarriage. Thus there is less cell growth, and cells are less likely to be left in the undifferntiated state.

This problem is aggravated by multiple abortions, and even more so by a lack of a full term pregnancy later in life, and by a family history of breast cancer. All of this is my understanding as a lay person.

I get SOOOO aggravated everytime I read something about this in medical journals or mainstream media. The bias is so evident. I truly hope one day there is an accounting the likes of that the cigarette manufacturers have had to face.
pro-abortion people help cancer spread, could they be charged with attempted murder? 🙂
and with murder of preborn children…God is charging them…we must pray for an end to abortion, contraception, human cloning, embryonic stem cell research, and the conversion of abortionists!

my Mother my Confidence,
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