Abortion And The Gay Agenda: Secularism's Big Guns

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         Guest Commentary                         
    By James F. Csank
    Feb 15, 2006

                                  For approximately one thousand years after the fall of Rome, European civilization comprised a religion (Roman Catholicism), a morality (based on the revealed word of God and the natural law implanted in man by his Creator), and a political hegemony (in which the Church was both a secular ruler and a moral and spiritual influence on other rulers.) This “Catholic Civilization” was not seriously threatened by numerous dissenters who, from time to time, sought to weaken the Church and obtain a greater freedom either for themselves or for one of the new Nation-States.
The Protestant Revolution (to give it its accurate name) seriously weakened the authority and the influence of the Church. In the political sphere, it strengthened existing political powers and gave rise to new ones, many of which broke their ties with the Church in order to preserve their independence. The rulers of these kingdoms often solidified their political power by appropriating Church property and doling it out to their supporters. They also appropriated religious authority (Cuius regio, eius religio). In the moral sphere, even though the Protestant powers retained and continued to enforce the Judeo-Christian ethical system, the weakening of the Church and the Catholic Faith, and the strengthening of the secular state, laid the groundwork for the secularization of morality.


What an article!

Clear-cut, precise and to the point. I’ll have to read that one again a few times over.

Thanks for posting it!
Honestly, I’m not wild about this article. It seems paranoid, and it generalizes too much, therefore perpetuating stereotypes about the socially conservative perspective. It’s true that the fruits of secularism are sinister and evil; but frequently the intentions of its supporters are not…this sort of rhetoric will not win anyone over to our side. The auther seems to have little understanding or sympathy for the problems of those who have never known anything but a secular society; single mothers, for instance, are not so much architects as products of secularism, but can we expect them to turn to a religious community which treats them with this kind of disdain? Whenever we fail to distinguish between ideas and people, sin and sinner, we contribute to the problem by giving the impression that ours is a world of self-loathing and repression, when in reality it is sin that enslaves and Christ that sets us free.

Sorry if this doesn’t make much sense…maybe rambling a little here…
Thanks for the link. I think it was and excellent analysis of general trends with specific examples.
Honestly, I’m not wild about this article. It seems paranoid, and it generalizes too much, therefore perpetuating stereotypes about the socially conservative perspective. It’s true that the fruits of secularism are sinister and evil; but frequently the intentions of its supporters are not…this sort of rhetoric will not win anyone over to our side. The auther seems to have little understanding or sympathy for the problems of those who have never known anything but a secular society; single mothers, for instance, are not so much architects as products of secularism, but can we expect them to turn to a religious community which treats them with this kind of disdain? Whenever we fail to distinguish between ideas and people, sin and sinner, we contribute to the problem by giving the impression that ours is a world of self-loathing and repression, when in reality it is sin that enslaves and Christ that sets us free.

Sorry if this doesn’t make much sense…maybe rambling a little here…
I sort of see where you are coming from. After all, people don’t set out to sin because they want to be bad. They advocate sin because they believe it is good. Abortion promoters use instances of rape or incest to sell their product, not Nancy the grad student who keeps forgetting to take her pill. And i think many homosexuals believe that they are fighting for their “rights”, although i think most of them also sense that what they are doing is wrong. They think maybe if people stop telling them homosexual actions are wrong, it will stop “feeling” wrong, but this just isn’t the case. The article could have been written with a greater degree of charity towards sinners, but if you look at who REALLY wants the destruction of Church and family, you would see that this article is a direct condemnation of Satan and his works. The poor sinners caught in this death spiral are just unwitting pawns in most cases. I know when i was a culture of death promoter, i hadn’t thought these things out to their logical conclusion. I truly believed that without organized religions and their “rules” that we could have a utopia. I was very dumb.
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