I am a military spouse and I’d hate to see this happen, along with abortions performed at the very hospitals I give birth in. If a person is THAT desperate to get an abortion or these abortion drugs, then they can go off post. The military hospitals have more than enough to worry about (wounded soldiers) than to have to worry about someone wanting to murder their child.
From my perspective as having to deal with military OB docs and being preg with #4… trust me when I say it’s HORRIBLE enough that most of them are VERY pro-aborts. (When you walk in and say you’re pregnant, announce it’s your 7th pregnancy for your medical history and the first statement, NOT question, is “So, you’re having your tubes tied after this one then.”… yeah… I have no respect for their agenda. I also don’t want to find out that the doc that is deliverying my child just got done killing one.