Looks like the number of states is growing:
PFAbortion Ban Considered in Growing Number of States: South Dakota, Indiana, Ohio
By Gudrun Schultz
SOUTH DAKOTA, United States, January 23, 2006 (LifeSiteNews.com) –South Dakota is introducing a bill that will ban abortion in the state. The bill, called the Woman’s Health and Life Protection Act, will make abortion a crime, but will not allow prosecution for a doctor who performs an abortion when a woman’s life is in danger.
The bill is a direct attempt to over-turn Roe vs Wade. Changes in the US Supreme Court are encouraging the fight to regain legal protection for unborn children.
A growing number of states are introducing anti-abortion legislation, attempting to force the Supreme Court to revisit the 1973 decision of Roe vs. Wade that made abortion a constitutional right.
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