Abortion Ban Considered in Growing Number of States: South Dakota, Indiana, Ohio

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Looks like the number of states is growing:
Abortion Ban Considered in Growing Number of States: South Dakota, Indiana, Ohio
By Gudrun Schultz

SOUTH DAKOTA, United States, January 23, 2006 (LifeSiteNews.com) –South Dakota is introducing a bill that will ban abortion in the state. The bill, called the Woman’s Health and Life Protection Act, will make abortion a crime, but will not allow prosecution for a doctor who performs an abortion when a woman’s life is in danger.

The bill is a direct attempt to over-turn Roe vs Wade. Changes in the US Supreme Court are encouraging the fight to regain legal protection for unborn children.

A growing number of states are introducing anti-abortion legislation, attempting to force the Supreme Court to revisit the 1973 decision of Roe vs. Wade that made abortion a constitutional right.

Full Story
God Bless them…now wanting to move from this state. Any warm states considering this? I so don’t do well in the cold!!! I pray it does make it to the Supreme Court!
I thought Roe vs Wade out wieghed State laws… Am I wrong?
You are right, it does. The reason why some states are doing this now is because of the changing dynamics on the Supreme Court. They’re hoping that these laws will work its way through the Judicial system up to the US Supreme Court and be the impetus to overturn Roe v Wade. I think they need one more pro-life Justice on the court, because I think the only people on the Court who will vote to overturn Roe v Wade are Scalia, Roberts, Thomas, and Alito.

But let us continue to pray.
You are right, it does. The reason why some states are doing this now is because of the changing dynamics on the Supreme Court. They’re hoping that these laws will work its way through the Judicial system up to the US Supreme Court and be the impetus to overturn Roe v Wade. I think they need one more pro-life Justice on the court, because I think the only people on the Court who will vote to overturn Roe v Wade are Scalia, Roberts, Thomas, and Alito.

But let us continue to pray.
Wow, that is wonderful! Yeah South Dakota!
Many states are also lining up such cases so that, in the event that Roe is overturned they will already have legislation on the books so that state court battles will be more easily won. At least, that is what I gather from things I have read. I’m really happy that I live in one of the states mentioned here.
Many states are also lining up such cases so that, in the event that Roe is overturned they will already have legislation on the books so that state court battles will be more easily won. At least, that is what I gather from things I have read. I’m really happy that I live in one of the states mentioned here.
Amen! We have to pray for our state representatives.
Many states are also lining up such cases so that, in the event that Roe is overturned they will already have legislation on the books so that state court battles will be more easily won. At least, that is what I gather from things I have read. I’m really happy that I live in one of the states mentioned here.
I want to know why Colorado isn’t on the list!
I want to know why Colorado isn’t on the list!
Is Colorado working on pro-life legislation too? That is wonderful!! I hope as many states as possible try to pass pro-life legislation. Send a message that Roe is not what the people want, and we will not stop until the babies are safe! 👍
Is Colorado working on pro-life legislation too? That is wonderful!! I hope as many states as possible try to pass pro-life legislation. Send a message that Roe is not what the people want, and we will not stop until the babies are safe! 👍
Hate to burst your bubble, but California and other heavy “blue” states will probably never outlaw abortion. hence, a woman in South Dakota can hop a plane or train and go have an abortion in California, or even go overseas if she wants. State legislatures simply dont have the power to prevent people from crossing state lines or leaving the country to circumvent laws. State laws stop at state borders. Thats just reality. Back in the 50’s and 60’s, more well-off women just went to Europe to have their abortions.
Hate to burst your bubble, but California and other heavy “blue” states will probably never outlaw abortion. hence, a woman in South Dakota can hop a plane or train and go have an abortion in California, or even go overseas if she wants. State legislatures simply dont have the power to prevent people from crossing state lines or leaving the country to circumvent laws. State laws stop at state borders. Thats just reality. Back in the 50’s and 60’s, more well-off women just went to Europe to have their abortions.
But it will make it costlier to have the abortion. This will put it out of the range of many women without help. This will make it less profitable, thus less desirable for the abortion organizations like Planned Parenthood.

plus there is always the possibility of a fundamental law ruling. if the overturing of Roe is “the court was mistaken” then back to the staes, if its a fundamental law ruling like saying fundamental right to life applys to babies, no law in the country could run counter to that.

of corse there would still be people who leave the country, of course there would still be back alley aortions. SO WHAT! at that point it is still horrible of coure, but people are always going to break the law.
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