Abortion-Derived Skin From Unborn Babies Used to Treat Burns
LAUSANNE, August 18, 2005 (LifeSiteNews.com) - Swiss scientists at the University Hospital of Lausanne have used the skin of aborted babies to treat eight children with deep second and third-degree burns.
The online edition of The Lancet reports that Patrick Hohfield and colleagues used skin that had been donated by parents of the aborted child to create a “bank” of skin tissues for grafting. The skin cells, they write, could be used to grow several million sheets of skin, each measuring 9cm by 12cm.
Patches of foetal skin tissue were placed over the wounds left by burns, and then bandaged. The wounds closed within a fortnight.
The use of aborted baby parts is not new. Body parts of aborted children are highly prized by researchers for a number of different experimental applications including for cosmetic testing. Mark Crutcher of Life Dynamics, the group that first exposed the practice, says that the abortion industry is developing new methods of killing children so that more of the body is preserved intact so the parts can be more readily re-sold to research firms.
Crutcher told LifeSiteNews.com that the logic is inescapable. “Once you cross the line, where you see a child as a commodity, something you can remove if you have the money to do it, then this is a natural extension.”
Read related LifeSiteNews.com coverage:
Trafficking in Body Parts a Natural Extension of De-Humanizing Abortion Culture
LAUSANNE, August 18, 2005 (LifeSiteNews.com) - Swiss scientists at the University Hospital of Lausanne have used the skin of aborted babies to treat eight children with deep second and third-degree burns.
The online edition of The Lancet reports that Patrick Hohfield and colleagues used skin that had been donated by parents of the aborted child to create a “bank” of skin tissues for grafting. The skin cells, they write, could be used to grow several million sheets of skin, each measuring 9cm by 12cm.
Patches of foetal skin tissue were placed over the wounds left by burns, and then bandaged. The wounds closed within a fortnight.
The use of aborted baby parts is not new. Body parts of aborted children are highly prized by researchers for a number of different experimental applications including for cosmetic testing. Mark Crutcher of Life Dynamics, the group that first exposed the practice, says that the abortion industry is developing new methods of killing children so that more of the body is preserved intact so the parts can be more readily re-sold to research firms.
Crutcher told LifeSiteNews.com that the logic is inescapable. “Once you cross the line, where you see a child as a commodity, something you can remove if you have the money to do it, then this is a natural extension.”
Read related LifeSiteNews.com coverage:
Trafficking in Body Parts a Natural Extension of De-Humanizing Abortion Culture