My friend and I were reading the CCC the other day and we found something that is really worrying her. She had an abortion last year and has since had premarital sex and she’s recieved communion without confession but only after prayer and feeling as though God had forgiven her (which took her a long time). After reading that a person who has had premarital sex shouldn’t take communion, she’s been abstaining. She also intends on going to confession as soon as she can and then she plans on returning to communion. After she told me this, I got to thinking. If an abortion causes one to be automatically excommunicated, how should she proceed until confession? She is going to Mass whenever she can (Sunday and when she can daily). What should she do in her situation? It’s really tearing her up emotionally and I feel powerless watching her. She’s been praying a lot and saying the rosary twice a day and we even started a novena together. Is she really excommunicated even though she plans to confess it and truly is sorry?