I need a good response
I have a friend whose baby was diagnosed with a brain and heart defect incompatible with life outside the womb when she was 20 weeks pregnant. She had to choose between carrying the pregnancy to term and risking premature fetal death and those complications, the dangers of birth and those complications, the risk of aborting the baby and those complications; the entire time knowing that the baby would die within hours or days after birth if it survived birth at all. She and her partner had 3 other young children of whom she was the primary caregiver. They chose to end the pregnancy knowing that whether they carried the pregnancy to term (if they even managed that) or aborted it, there were immense physical, emotional, mental, and financials risks that could tear their family apart. Because this state does not allow post 20 week abortions (yeah, all those horrible pics that pro-lifers have been posting) she had to travel across 2 states to a provider that she had never met; not theOB who delivered all her other children. She had to stay in hotel far away from her family and friends and their love and support during an incredibly painful time in her life. And she still had to come home without her child. You don’t get to make the medical decisions for these women and their families!!! How dare you even try to take the moral high ground on such a personal and private decision where the person bearing all the risk is the pregnant woman herself. And to combat the propaganda of the pro-life movement women would have to share all these painful private decisions that they made for their survival and that of their already born children. God did not give Christians the moral authority to decide the viability of a pregnancy and He sure as heck didn’t give you the legal authority to control their medical decisions.
I have a friend whose baby was diagnosed with a brain and heart defect incompatible with life outside the womb when she was 20 weeks pregnant. She had to choose between carrying the pregnancy to term and risking premature fetal death and those complications, the dangers of birth and those complications, the risk of aborting the baby and those complications; the entire time knowing that the baby would die within hours or days after birth if it survived birth at all. She and her partner had 3 other young children of whom she was the primary caregiver. They chose to end the pregnancy knowing that whether they carried the pregnancy to term (if they even managed that) or aborted it, there were immense physical, emotional, mental, and financials risks that could tear their family apart. Because this state does not allow post 20 week abortions (yeah, all those horrible pics that pro-lifers have been posting) she had to travel across 2 states to a provider that she had never met; not theOB who delivered all her other children. She had to stay in hotel far away from her family and friends and their love and support during an incredibly painful time in her life. And she still had to come home without her child. You don’t get to make the medical decisions for these women and their families!!! How dare you even try to take the moral high ground on such a personal and private decision where the person bearing all the risk is the pregnant woman herself. And to combat the propaganda of the pro-life movement women would have to share all these painful private decisions that they made for their survival and that of their already born children. God did not give Christians the moral authority to decide the viability of a pregnancy and He sure as heck didn’t give you the legal authority to control their medical decisions.