Abortion-Shoah Comparison Infuriates Abortion Advocates at EU

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Do not know if the comparison is appropriate, but it is interesting:
Abortion-Shoah Comparison Infuriates Abortion Advocates at EU
By Hilary White

BRUSSELS, December 20, 2005 (LifeSiteNews.com) - That it is verboten to compare abortion with the Nazi holocaust is a routine assertion among abortion advocates and is a particularly sensitive dogma among secularist partisans in the European Parliament. The latest example comes from Catholics for a Free Choice (CFFC), which has issued a media release excoriating the European Parliament for allowing the display of a poster that made the comparison.

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Sometimes the truth really touches a nerve…or a conscience.
I used to not make the connection (in my days of ignorant hedonism) because Jews were a group of people discriminated against because of their ethnicity/religion and babies were just inconvenient. If they weren’t wanted, they wouldn’t be happy anyways, was my line of thinking. I had a friend who was adopted who said she wished she’d been aborted. Made sense to me. But now i see the similarities between blaming all the ills of society on too many babies and blaming them on the Jews; the sameness of experiments done on Jews and embryonic research; and above all, the declassification of our own children as human beings as similar to that of our Jewish brethren. Sad world when we decide we as humans can decide who gets to live and who gets to die. 😦
Do not know if the comparison is appropriate, but it is interesting: PF
Wander Aimlessly:

Sounds like my friends (yes, I’ve corresponded with them) from Catholics For a free Choice have decided they have the duty to decide what “Speech” should be allowed and what "Speech shouldn’t be. :tsktsk:

So, I guess we shouldn’t worry about being exposed to offensive speech, Sister Kissling is on duty! :rotfl:

Well, In this case, I don’t think I need Ms. Kissling’s help! 😛

I tend to agree with the sign, but with one exception, The Nazis and their European and Muslem (yep, I said Muslim - The Grand Mufti recruited 2 SS Divisions of Arabs and Muslems for the cause, and some were Totenkopfe :eek: ) Allies slaughtered a total of 16 million people in the Holocaust (Jews, Roma, Serbs, Latvians, Catholics, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Ukranians, Catholics, Communists, Homosexuals…), while we’ve slaughtered 44 Million babies since Roe v. Wade removed all the laws against abortions. That’s almost 3 times as many babies as the Nazis slaughtered total people in their Death Camps and with their Death Squads!

And, some of the countries in Europe are already killing old and sick people through Euthanasia. Does Sister Kissling really think that’s a good thing?

Tell the people at PETA that the problem isn’t the slaughter of chickens (which they’ve make equivalent to the Holocaust). The problem is the slaughter of babies (which is equivalent to the Holocaust). That’s what we will be chastised for!

Do the Europeans really think they can maintain a spiritual vacuum and NOT have Islamism move in?

In Christ, Michael
If I recall, JPII made a similar sort of analogy in Memory and Identity which naturally raised some flak among the liberal media types.

People who want to portray mass killing as a service to humanity don’t like to have the truth pointed out to them.

Here in Canada, the chief merchant of abortion/death, Dr. Henry Morgentaler - a Jew no less who says he cried when he visited Auschwitz - has taken as his latest justification the theory that abortion will cut down on crime. Scary, huh?
Traditional Ang:
Sounds like my friends (yes, I’ve corresponded with them) from Catholics For a free Choice have decided they have the duty to decide what “Speech” should be allowed and what "Speech shouldn’t be. :tsktsk:
Maybe the more appropriate word would of been accurate. I do believe it is a holocaust, but for a different reason than the Nazi’s. I also believe it could be a more sinister and dark reason than the Nazi’s.

What abortion and the Holocaust have in common is that you have a society deciding that a certain group of humans, be it unborn babies or a particular ethnic group, is not human. And when you strip away one’s humanity, with the God-given dignity that such humanity possesses, then it becomes easier to perfarm reprehensible acts like mass murder.
Maybe the more appropriate word would of been accurate. I do believe it is a holocaust, but for a different reason than the Nazi’s. I also believe it could be a more sinister and dark reason than the Nazi’s.

Abortion is not a holocaust? Friend, babies like the Jews in pre WWII Germany are discriminated against through no fault of their own and treated like objects not as human beings. That’s why. Abortion is cold blooded murder. Do you realize that 4000 babies are murdered everday? That’s not a holocaust? Tell that to EWTN and we’ll see what happens. Dude, you are living in La La land.
Abortion is not a holocaust? Friend, babies like the Jews in pre WWII Germany are discriminated against through no fault of their own and treated like objects not as human beings. That’s why. Abortion is cold blooded murder. Do you realize that 4000 babies are murdered everday? That’s not a holocaust? Tell that to EWTN and we’ll see what happens. Dude, you are living in La La land.
Read my quote again. I said I believe it is a holocaust, but for a different reason that the one the Nazi’s used.

…shaping and promoting the political culture that makes the EU a unique symbol of hope…
This is near the end of the article from the CFFC statement to the MEPs.

Hope for whom? Certainly not the unborn whose hearts are stopped when their life has only just begun. Certainly not for the sick and elderly whose hearts are stopped before before their lies are over.

The EU is a unique symbol of death for those who cannot speak for themselves.
This is near the end of the article from the CFFC statement to the MEPs.

Hope for whom? Certainly not the unborn whose hearts are stopped when their life has only just begun. Certainly not for the sick and elderly whose hearts are stopped before before their lies are over.

The EU is a unique symbol of death for those who cannot speak for themselves.

And certainly not for anyone who was hoping for a society that recognized that rights come from God, not from the government…

In Christ, Michael
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