Have been compiling statistics from various pro-life sources and one topic that seems not to be addressed, except in generalities, is the actual dollar amount garnered by the abortion industry, in this country, and around the world, annually. I don’t think in all the rhetoric, especially during the election, and even on this board, that due attention is payed to the economic power (which equates to political power) of the industry itself, not just its proponents and lobbyists.
What is the dollar figure of profits for the industry each year? How profitable is it for an individual or group to invest in, build and run an abortion clinic? A lot of doctors magazines run ads for franchises and money-making opportunities, everything from fast food to kidney dialysis centers. Abortion clinics have been touted as “family planning centers”, “crisis pregnancy counselling centers”, “women’s reproductive health clinics.” It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that if surgery is not involved there is no profit, and the surgery is abortion.
I see a lot of hype about how much tax money PP gets and how much they profit from abortion. Since they are a non-profit agency, on paper they don’t profit at all, so the money is realized in terms of inflated administrative salaries and perks, I assume. The info on pro-life sites is wildly contradictory on how much PP actually gets from taxes, how much from private sources, how much goes for abortion, and how much goes for other services, such as pandering to teens.
Any body with sites, links or info on economic aspects of the abortion industry can do a big service, since overall goal of my committee is to beef up pro-life organization and activism in my diocese, which has as yet untapped potential to be extremely influential, including politically.
What is the dollar figure of profits for the industry each year? How profitable is it for an individual or group to invest in, build and run an abortion clinic? A lot of doctors magazines run ads for franchises and money-making opportunities, everything from fast food to kidney dialysis centers. Abortion clinics have been touted as “family planning centers”, “crisis pregnancy counselling centers”, “women’s reproductive health clinics.” It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that if surgery is not involved there is no profit, and the surgery is abortion.
I see a lot of hype about how much tax money PP gets and how much they profit from abortion. Since they are a non-profit agency, on paper they don’t profit at all, so the money is realized in terms of inflated administrative salaries and perks, I assume. The info on pro-life sites is wildly contradictory on how much PP actually gets from taxes, how much from private sources, how much goes for abortion, and how much goes for other services, such as pandering to teens.
Any body with sites, links or info on economic aspects of the abortion industry can do a big service, since overall goal of my committee is to beef up pro-life organization and activism in my diocese, which has as yet untapped potential to be extremely influential, including politically.