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We talk about it so much. We pray for it so much. I’m not a father, nor am I a female. I would not want my daughter to do so. I would not do it if I was a female (easy to say).

Every sunday we pray for this in mass. During the week too. It’s SUCH a common topic. I’ve seen people lined up for MILES in protest. Because of a law of man. (I’m not disregarding the law of God). What’s on the books of the government doesn’t matter. God is what matters. So who cares if our “nation” supports it. Our nation broke every law on the books and given to us by God in it’s founding.

I want to pray for the young ones who HAVE these babies. I want to pray for the poor. I want to work to end the social conditions that even make people THINK about having an abortion. Most people do not do so because they are too vain or irresponsible to have a kid. It’s a choice. A wrong choice. However, if made illegal people would still do it. There’s nothing NEW under the sun.

If we prayed as much to end the war and to end poverty and for all the good things instead of the judgement focused on the bad things…


maybe it’s just my parrish. I love my parrish. I wanna pray for more things than abortion though.

anybody else with me? Let’s say a prayer to end war. Let’s say a prayer to help the poor. I’m not saying y’all don’t, but lets say another one. Let’s do something about it. There is so many social ills we can help change.

What kind of world are we maintaining for these babies to be born in?
Nathan Carson, I would love to go to your parish! Believe it or not, (at least from my experience) a strong pro-life parish is a rarity. Your community is defintely blessed! 🙂

Anyway, I see the point you’re trying to make and definitely agree that we should work to end the social conditions that make people even think about having an abortion. You talk about praying for the war (which we should also do)- what about the war on our own soil, in which there are over 4000 innocent deaths EVERY DAY. When it comes to poverty, one woman we can say who truly experienced povery firsthand, more than most of us will ever know, Blessed Mother Teresa, said that it was a poverty to decide that a child must die so that you may live as you wish.

****In any case, no one is limiting your prayers and actions- who says you can’t pray for BOTH an end to abortion and an end to war? Who says you can’t be BOTH pro-life and work against poverty? **

Being pro-life and working to stop abortion doesn’t exclude you from working against other social ills. **

If anything, it helps you appreciate ALL life more fully and spurs you to help the poor, the sick, and the victimized.

God bless you for realizing that you are called to help our society and desire to do something about it! 🙂
I understand that there are many problems affecting mankind. Wars, tsunamis, famine, prostitution, etc. Yes, we should be concerned with all of them. Christ told us that whatever we do to the least of His brethren we do to Him.

May I add though that the United States plays a special role in global policy. What we do, what we allow sets the tone for a lot of other nations. 1.5 million abortions occur in the US alone. Approximately 60 million abortions happen worldwide. These are the most costly statistics of all human casualties. Not only that but who among us is innocent if not the unborn. Injustice done to one who is innocent is worse than injustice done to one who is guilty, though both are injustice. That is why the crucifixtion was the greatest, darkest sin of all. Man crucified the Innocent God. Furthermore, I don’t see how we can convince anyone to pardon a criminal if they won’t pardon an unborn baby. I don’t see why anyone will have compassion for starving people in Sudan if they can’t have compassion for their neighbor who needs a place to stay out of fear of a boyfriend because she is pregnant.

Lastly I’d just like to repeat you’re right we have to be compassionate and considerate of all injustices, but I think you might be hearing about abortion in your parish so much because if every Catholic stood up and did everything within their power to illegalize abortion, which would save hundreds of thousands of lives, it would happen in less than two months.
Divorce is far worse than abortion.

If the Church made headway in actually doing something about punishing unjust divorce we would see a smaller Church and a Church which would have far fewer catholics having abortions.

Abortion is an issue which should be secondary to shoring up the family. Only then will there be any true success dealing with abortion. Someday the Church may see its errors.

Of the ten commandments one deals with abortion, murder, yet three deal with the family, honoring the parents, adultery, coveting your neighbor’s wife. Three deal with family, just as many as those which require reverence for the Creator. God’s agenda clearly is different than that of the Catholic Church. It needs reform.

I do not recall the scriptures saying God hates abortion, directly, yet it says God hates divorce. Powerful. Still, the Catholic Church REQUIRES divorce to process its annulments, instead of doing the moral thing and deciding validity BEFORE divorce.

Such is the wisdom of men, rather than the wisdom of God.
Divorce is far worse than abortion.

If the Church made headway in actually doing something about punishing unjust divorce we would see a smaller Church and a Church which would have far fewer catholics having abortions.

Abortion is an issue which should be secondary to shoring up the family. Only then will there be any true success dealing with abortion. Someday the Church may see its errors.
Dear former,
Catholics see these issues as all of a piece. Starting with contraception. Divorce as sequential polygamy, extramarital sex, same-sex unions, contraception, abortion. It is ALL the culture of death. This is a place where (for the most part) Evangelicals and Catholics see eye-to-eye. Even contraception!

There is a great article on abortion in the current issue of Lay Witness. Take-home quote (about teen-age homicide): Children will stop killing children when parents stop killing children.
If there was this seamlless garment as you imply there would not be the endless abuses of the tribunal system which the hierarchy refuse to address and unjust divorce would result in excommunication as does abortion.

You are mistaken. Sincerely.
If there was this seamlless garment as you imply there would not be the endless abuses of the tribunal system which the hierarchy refuse to address and unjust divorce would result in excommunication as does abortion.

You are mistaken. Sincerely.
Do I discern a personal anguish here?
Divorce is far worse than abortion.

If the Church made headway in actually doing something about punishing unjust divorce we would see a smaller Church and a Church which would have far fewer catholics having abortions.

Abortion is an issue which should be secondary to shoring up the family. Only then will there be any true success dealing with abortion. Someday the Church may see its errors.

Of the ten commandments one deals with abortion, murder, yet three deal with the family, honoring the parents, adultery, coveting your neighbor’s wife. Three deal with family, just as many as those which require reverence for the Creator. God’s agenda clearly is different than that of the Catholic Church. It needs reform.

I do not recall the scriptures saying God hates abortion, directly, yet it says God hates divorce. Powerful. Still, the Catholic Church REQUIRES divorce to process its annulments, instead of doing the moral thing and deciding validity BEFORE divorce.

Such is the wisdom of men, rather than the wisdom of God.
Well let me know when You give God back his throne and discontinue Your assualt on His Church:p God Bless
First of all I not sure where you get that the Church requires divorce to process annulments. Perhaps your refering to separation. An annulment is simply a declaration that the Church has reviewed a possible marriage and has decided that either there was never a valid consecration of the marriage to begin with-do to false intent, fear, pressure, etc.,or that the marriage is in fact valid. During the waiting period the couple could be advised to separate or remain abstinent since there may not be a marriage between them. Christ left us a Church, the Church to which all judgment on moral issues is to be rendered (Matthew chapter 18).
Christ said, “He who hears you hears me,”.

Futhermore the Bible may not ever explicitly say that God abhors abortion, but the Jewish people is general would not think of an abortion. Death is the consequence of all sin. Divorce, child abuse, prostitution, etc. it all leads to a promotion of death. Abortion is the most direct form of sin in the sense that it is the most direct form of death’s victory. Christ came to undo the works of the devil and to conquer death forever.

I suggest two things. Look at a picture of an aborted baby. Priests for life has them. Also, please remember the words of St. Peter in John chapter 6 when Christ asked him if he wanted to leave him as well as those who refused to except his teaching on the Eucharist, “Lord to whom shall we go, You have the words of Eternal Life.” To what church shall we go, Christ left us only one.
God Bless You!
We talk about it so much. We pray for it so much. I’m not a father, nor am I a female. I would not want my daughter to do so. I would not do it if I was a female (easy to say).

Every sunday we pray for this in mass. During the week too. It’s SUCH a common topic. I’ve seen people lined up for MILES in protest. Because of a law of man. (I’m not disregarding the law of God). What’s on the books of the government doesn’t matter. God is what matters. So who cares if our “nation” supports it. Our nation broke every law on the books and given to us by God in it’s founding.

I want to pray for the young ones who HAVE these babies. I want to pray for the poor. I want to work to end the social conditions that even make people THINK about having an abortion. Most people do not do so because they are too vain or irresponsible to have a kid. It’s a choice. A wrong choice. However, if made illegal people would still do it. There’s nothing NEW under the sun.

If we prayed as much to end the war and to end poverty and for all the good things instead of the judgement focused on the bad things…


maybe it’s just my parrish. I love my parrish. I wanna pray for more things than abortion though.

anybody else with me? Let’s say a prayer to end war. Let’s say a prayer to help the poor. I’m not saying y’all don’t, but lets say another one. Let’s do something about it. There is so many social ills we can help change.

What kind of world are we maintaining for these babies to be born in?
None of the things you mention are worse, or equal to, intentionally murdering a baby. If we want less war and poverty, then let us stop killing our babies. If we want less abortion, let us stop contracepting.
Nathan, are you telling me that during the “prayers of the faithful” part of Mass, your parish doesnt pray for the poor or for peace in the world?

I find that hard to believe but if you say so I will believe it.
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