First, you should ask for specific published, peer reviewed scientific evidence. These statements are very vague and need proof.
A zygote is a human being. The term is unquestionably referring to a human being after the sperm and ovum have joined.
The destiny of each human being is known to God in minute detail, at every instant of time. Everything in our space is changing from moment to moment, but is immediately present to God as unchanging four dimensional spacetime.
We know there was at least one human being to start with (a zygote). We grant that the final number of human beings is also known, however many that may be. There is always at least one living soul, and all human beings, including zygotes, have a soul.
For intermediate states of separation and recombination:
There could be “near-death” experiences" as have been experienced by many grown human beings, where the soul leaves and is reinfused into the same material body.
We accept that there are Siamese twins, which clearly implies that many souls can share the same body. When they are separated, each has a soul. I hope we never see Siamese triplets except in a microscope.
Clearly, their line of argument is leading us into the “musical chairs” trap: What happens if there are fewer zygotes than souls in the end? It would seem that one or more souls would have died.
The exact case of each undividual human being can only be known for certainty by God Himself; we must give life the benefit of the doubt, and do all in our power to protect and preserve it at every stage of development.
If nothing artificial is done to interfere, the death of zygotes and other early embryonic forms is a natural, unavoidable death. They are so small, that it’s difficult to imagine any rescue attempt doing anything but destroying them. However, perhaps in the near future, when the world is depopulated enough that mankind begins to worry for its very survival, scientists will stop wasting time on lethal human experimentation, and seek ways to preserve, transplant, and bring every human being to term.
Since the Holy Father has declared that aborted children are “living in the Lord,” we might happily assume the same destiny for all the lost children from every miscarriage, even the hidden and silent ones, whether naturally or artificially caused.
Evangelium Vitae by John Paul II
- … You will come to understand that nothing is definitively lost and you will also be able to ask forgiveness from your child, who is now living in the Lord. …
However we could also assume that the blood of those murdered, by abortifacient pills (Is it enough motive to intend that they not be born, and take measures to render their only possible safe home uninhabitable?), cries out to heaven for vengeance, just as the the blood of their more developed brothers and sisters does.
( See Evangelium Vitae No. 9-10 and following sections)