Another One Bites the Dust
****Abortionist accused of cannibalism has license revoked only because of public pressure
Topeka, KS - Jun 13, 2005 The Kansas State Board of Healing Arts moved Saturday, June 11, to permanently revoke the
medical license of Krishna Rajanna, the Kansas City abortionist accused of cannibalism in his filthy, rat-
infested abortion mill. Rajanna’s abortion clinic has been closed for the past three months.
Photographs obtained by pro-lifers revealed appalling conditions that included blood-soaked carpeting in
procedure rooms and improperly sterilized surgical instruments, which were stored next to a blood-stained open toilet where aborted baby parts were allegedly flushed. Clinic employees told a Kansas City Police
Detective that Rajanna had been seen mixing aborted baby parts into his lunch.
****Abortionist accused of cannibalism has license revoked only because of public pressure
Topeka, KS - Jun 13, 2005 The Kansas State Board of Healing Arts moved Saturday, June 11, to permanently revoke the
medical license of Krishna Rajanna, the Kansas City abortionist accused of cannibalism in his filthy, rat-
infested abortion mill. Rajanna’s abortion clinic has been closed for the past three months.
Photographs obtained by pro-lifers revealed appalling conditions that included blood-soaked carpeting in
procedure rooms and improperly sterilized surgical instruments, which were stored next to a blood-stained open toilet where aborted baby parts were allegedly flushed. Clinic employees told a Kansas City Police
Detective that Rajanna had been seen mixing aborted baby parts into his lunch.