Abortuses and Graphic Images to End Abortion

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Dear Reader:

I spend time at abortionno.org, which leads the campaign against abortion via means of visual communication: actual images of abortuses anywhere between maybe five wks. to thirteen, or fourteen wks.

I have purchased small business card sized pictures, and handed them out to people.

I am interested to know opinions and what some of you have done to further this campaign against abortion by buying these products through abortionno.org and passing them out to fellow students, friends, family, etc.

Most sincerely,

I don’t care to see the graphic signs. Showing them off for unsuspecting passers-by is horribly unfair. Children who could be traumatized at an age where they are too young to understand or have need of knowing about such things yet could see them. Also, adults who don’t believe in abortion, and who are bothered too easily by graphic pictures could be traumatized worse than many children who see the images would be. If you have any conscience at all, the images never leave you after only seeing them once- and if you are a reasonably intelligent person, you need only know how the procedure is done to understand how horrible it is.
I like the business card idea. It allows you to show the images to adults, without traumatizing children with them. I’m not sure I would have the courage to do it myself at this point in my life, though. In my area, at least, it could mean being beaten, or worse. I have three small children I’m raising alone, they depend on me. Otherwise I would probably do it.
I like the business card idea. It allows you to show the images to adults, without traumatizing children with them
Anyone showing me a business card with that on it would lose my business immediately. I may be 23 years old but I don’t need to see those images.
Anyone showing me a business card with that on it would lose my business immediately. I may be 23 years old but I don’t need to see those images.
Hmm, I think you missed the point. I don’t think he was talking about having the image on regular business cards, but “business card sized pictures”, as he said.
If you are “pro-choice”, than you do need to see them.
I just saw “business card” and “pictures”. I should have read it more carefully.

Still, you’re not going to win people over by scaring them or disgusting them.
I just saw “business card” and “pictures”. I should have read it more carefully.

Still, you’re not going to win people over by scaring them or disgusting them.
On the contrary, it was seeing those pictures that won me over to the pro-life cause, ten years ago, and prevented me from aborting my oldest child. I’m not the only person who has changed their mind about supporting “abortion rights” after seeing the reality of what they were supporting.
And didn’t graphic pictures sway opinions about Hiroshima, Vietnam, and the current war in Iraq?
It is easy to support atrocities you don’t have to see. That is why people need to see what abortion really is.
I have heard pro-abortion acquaintances say that people who show pictures of mutilated children lack compassion, as if the abortionists who murdered those children in cold blood were compassionate.

imo showing pictures of a living, unborn baby at various stages combined with information on what that baby is capable of feeling at those stages might be more convincing for less zealous pro-abortion folk. I have sat down with my children and showed them pictures of unborn babies; they had fun, they found the babies adorable and fascinating, and I hope that they think of those “fetuses” as babies now.

Abortion is such an obviously wrong and cruel thing that how anyone can support it is incomprehensible. Good luck!
I consider myself intelligent and I knew exactly what abortion was (just not the exact procedure) when I had my abortions. However, had I had either an ultrasound or a pro-life sidewalk counselor run interference for me, showing me a pic of an aborted baby… I would have flown to the pro-life side. I would have an 11 yr old and 9 yr old had I seen what I was about to partake in… .instead, I am left with pain and guilt that I’ve nearly killed myself over and only just recently have learned to effectively deal with and learn how to forgive myself.

I feel that my story, the lies that I fell for, the pain I caused myself, the downward-suicidal-hateful spiral I put myself on… is a start to share with others to help convince them of how wrong abortion is. I don’t think aborted baby pics would traumatize a child… they already know it’s murder. They have to be taught that abortion is ok. However, I’ve shown my children pictures of unborn babies at all stages and when it’s age appropriate (for them to be able to ask intelligent questions) then I will share with them pictures of aborted babies.

Just remember, pictures of the Holocaust is what got people to finally understand what was going on during the Nazi years. There are people in this world that can read and read and read but yet it’s a single picture that drives it home.
On the contrary, it was seeing those pictures that won me over to the pro-life cause, ten years ago, and prevented me from aborting my oldest child. I’m not the only person who has changed their mind about supporting “abortion rights” after seeing the reality of what they were supporting.
And didn’t graphic pictures sway opinions about Hiroshima, Vietnam, and the current war in Iraq?
It is easy to support atrocities you don’t have to see. That is why people need to see what abortion really is.
Still, protect the innocense of children, and use discretion so that those with weak stomachs don’t lose their lunches driving down main street. Show the signs outside of abortion clinics, but not just anywhere.
Still, protect the innocense of children, and use discretion so that those with weak stomachs don’t lose their lunches driving down main street. Show the signs outside of abortion clinics, but not just anywhere.
Yes, I agree that children should be protected from seeing these and other violent images. That’s why I thought the OP’s idea of handing out small pictures was a good one. I don’t approve of putting them on billboards/trucks etc.
I think it would be prudent to ask the person if they wanted to see such an image. Maybe they have a weak stomach or other things going on in their lives where having graphic images shoved in their faces without permission would be cruel and insensitive. Definately ask them first.
Dear Readers:

The Center for Bioethical Reform limits the transit of trucks with abortuses depicted on their sides largely to interstates and and during hrs. when children are in school–they avoid known locations of schools with students less than child-bearing ages: twelve and under, etc.

To avoid advocating the use of abortuses depicted in images constitutes fallacious reasoning to the extent that evidence is being suppressed, to the extent that not all relevant evidence is being included in the arguement against abortion and furthermore: you truly cannot understand the tragedy, the horror, the deepest shame of our nation: women and the epitome of their choice, abortion, without seeing these images of abortuses–these images are not only for the faint-hearted, but for the hardened heart, too–we neglect our adult women, and young adult women by neglecting to educate them properly to the fullest extent that they are able to understand abortion, by denying them all the relevant evidence, by suppressing what has existed in this country as a hospital provided medical procedure for over 100 yrs. in this country.

PLEASE: Re-consider your position on images that depict abortions, and show your support to stop abortion by providing people with the means denied them so very often to be properly educated about the tragicly-horrific effects of all types of abortions, and please rest assurred that humanity never will be adequately defined by images, which show us even fetuses at twelve wks., (which anatomicly and physiologicly cannot be differentiated from a full-grown adult); humanity exists at the moment of conception without feelings, without being identified to any form that we commonly identify as human-like. Humanity exists apart from feelings, apart from size, apart from form–humanity exists, intrinsicly, within a being that will reason between what is foolish, and what is wise–given the opportunity to live.

My condolences to the woman who once chose an abortion–I am a father of an unborn child: the woman I had planned to marry aborted our child, and I witnessed this at her bedside, and I was traumatized.

Typicly, trauma involves witness to a direct threat to someone’s life.

Viewing abortuses at any age must hardly be seen as a direct threat against anyones life–disturbing as any image of an abortus must be to people at any age, thank you for all the concern about the ages of those who should view these images–considering the high frequency minors between ages fourteen and fifteen have sex, according to one Time Almanac, our awareness that both males and females of childbearing age, fertility, should stress the importance of their education on the matter–and the fact they are neglected by many people.

Most sincerely,


P.S. Please visit another thread in this forum: Yes or no?, thank you!
The pictures didn’t really bother me that much. I actually expected much worse when I clicked on the link. I really can’t imagine why the photo would make someone change their viewpoint. When you are in drivers ed they show pictures of people decapitated because they were drunk driving and the like and how many teens are involved with drunk driving accidents each year.
I am pro-life by the way–I guess I just don’t get the whole disgusting photo thing…I would think working at a crisis center or counseling center for women would probably be a more suitable and realistic way to bring women over to the pro-life side of things…
The pictures didn’t really bother me that much…I really can’t imagine why the photo would make someone change their viewpoint…I am pro-life by the way–…I would think working at a crisis center or counseling center for women would probably be a more suitable and realistic way to bring women over to the pro-life side of things…
The people who head the Center for Bioethical Reform either still run, or have run a Crisis Pregnancy Center (CPC) for over a decade, Gregg and Lois Cunningham. These people and others find pictures of abortuses are the most effective means that allow people to more clearly understand both the horror and the tragedy of abortion.

Personally, I find the images not only are effective at bringing women to the Pro-life camp, but also men. I do not believe women are the sole focus of Pro-life, but men too must be brought to the Pro-life camp. In many respects men should bare the larger burden of a woman’s pregnancy.

I recently saw an actual photograph of men hanging by the limb of a tree: all of them were white. I had heard about horse-stealers being a threat to people in the West; however, after seeing this photograph–I understand more clearly what a severe crime horse stealing was in the West.

I believe everyone that has become fertile enough to have children should see these photographs: they are essential to stopping abortion in America.

I remember watching “Red Asphalt” in a Driver’s Ed. course during High School–it did help me to think more clearly about my choices, while driving on the road. Being educated about the facts of any matter, where responsibility for the lives of others is a clear issue–does in fact make a person better able to perform whatever duties should ethicly be done.

Most sincerely,

Kristopher like in www.priestforlife.org, America Will Not Reject Abortion Until America Sees Abortion resounds in my ears. It took me awhile to have the heart to view the pictures in PforL site, but I knew for every tear I shed, I shed for the innocent unborn in danger of this massive slaughter; not to mention the heart wrenching truth that the mother is now a mother of a dead baby and certainly not any better than when she chose (or in many cases forced) to abort her preborn child. I will pray for your perseverence along with me and the rest of us who choose to be part of the pro-life cause. It is a long battle worth fighting for. We are all needed because we all bring different gifts. Some have a special gift that others do not possess. We have to be charitable with one another because we are one BODY in Christ. When one suffers, we all suffer. When one triumphs, we all triumph. God bless you for spreading the truth about abortion. Onward Christian soldier.
www.priestforlife.org, America Will Not Reject Abortion Until America Sees Abortion resounds in my ears. It took me awhile to have the heart to view the pictures in PforL site, but I knew for every tear I shed, I shed for the innocent unborn in danger of this massive slaughter; not to mention the heart wrenching truth that the mother is now a mother of a dead baby…I will pray for…perseverence…It is a long battle worth fighting for. We are all needed because we all bring different gifts…We have to be charitable with one another because we are one BODY in Christ. When one suffers, we all suffer. When one triumphs, we all triumph. God bless you for spreading the truth about abortion. Onward Christian soldier.
Dear AES and Reader(s):

Thank you for the very kind words, a poll I have running “Yes or No?” has provided me with less than positive feedback, when spreading the campaign to end abortion through visual communication outside the printed word.

Most sincerely,

I don’t care to see the graphic signs. Showing them off for unsuspecting passers-by is horribly unfair. Children who could be traumatized at an age where they are too young to understand or have need of knowing about such things yet could see them. Also, adults who don’t believe in abortion, and who are bothered too easily by graphic pictures could be traumatized worse than many children who see the images would be. If you have any conscience at all, the images never leave you after only seeing them once- and if you are a reasonably intelligent person, you need only know how the procedure is done to understand how horrible it is.
m134e5, I don’t think that you have really thought about abortion have you? It sure seems that way. I believe that sometimes the truth is not kind.

Do not be disappointed with the lack of support from others on this issue of using graphic images to end abortion. They have not given sufficient consideration to all of the facts.

Fact 1: As pointed out above, images are the most effective means to end an atrocity (blacks being hung of the KKK, Vietnamese children burned in the war).

Fact 2: All major pro-life leaders endorse the use of these photos (Joe Scheidler, Greg Cunningham, Fr. Frank Pavone)

Fact 3: Nothing upsets the pro-abort like a graphic photo. Why is that?

Fact 4: Many pro-aborts convert to the pro-life side in a matter of seconds, having seen these pictures. (cf. abortionno.org/AbortionNO/web_response.html)

Fact 5: Lazy pro-lifers are often shocked into action when this hidden genocide is revealed.

Fact 6: Almost everyone sitting on the fence is compelled to take a stand against abortion having seen dead babies and limbs of dead babies.

The facts, Kristopher, are in your corner, not theirs. Their negativity is simply the reflex of a politically correct society. And so while we bite our nails over the use of these images and whether or not middle schoolers should see them, or whether or not someone will heave their lunch, another 3,500 children are murdered.

If a girl is old enough to have an abortion, she’s old enough to see an abortion.

America will not end abortion until America sees abortion.

God bless you for exposing the true nature and horror of abortion.

In Christ,
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