about angels

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Does the Catholic Church have any teachings or information about angels? I was curious. I never hear anything about them and would like to do some research.
**All About The Angels
**By: Rev Paul O’Sullivan

tanbooks.com/shop_image/product/alla1069.jpg http://www.tanbooks.com/shop_image/design/spacer.gif All About The Angels. A charming book showing how the angels have visited people innumerable times in the past, how they do so today, and would do even more if we asked them. Also, how they prevent accidents, comfort us, help us, and protect us from the devils. Contains many beautiful stories about St. Michael, St. Raphael and St. Gabriel; plus, angel stories from St. Gemma Galgani, St. Thomas Aquinas, St. John Bosco, etc. One of our 3 most popular titles! (This product can also be purchased as part of the following set: Fr. Paul O’Sullivan Set)

Yeah, apparently there are 9 types of angels"


Seraphim - Firey angels (the highest type of HC’s)
Cherubim - Angels of devotion and wisdom (they are the chubby ones)


Dominations - hold sceptors and wear crowns
Virtues - have flasks of perfume, trumpets and bolts of lightning
Powers - have flaming swords (like St. Michael)


Saraquel - ruler of the spirits
Raphael - the healing angel - rules spirits of men
Raguel - takes vengeance on the world of lumineries
Gabriel - Messenger angel - ruler of paradise serpents + cherubims
Ramiel - Guides those who rise
Uriel - Angel of death and transformation
Michael - The defender of heaven and humans - leads battle in heaven, has a flaming sword.

Principalities - Ranked 7th they are the caretakers of every nation and country

Angels - just the bog standard type, there are millions of them, they have specific tasks.

🙂 ( note not all of this will be strictly in catholic teaching, but is religious)
This is really interesting that you just started this thread because I was about to myself.

What I’ve learned is that
  1. teachings on angels are not dogmatic (you don’t have to believe them)
  2. there is considerable tradition concerning angels
  3. the traditional accounts are strongly held throughout the Christian world (are widely accepted)
I read the NewAdvent article and found it somewhat confusing, and quite lacking. The scripture accounts of the nine choirs of angels can be found here:

Angels Gen 16:7
Archangels 1 Thes 4:15
Virtues 1 Cor 15:24
Powers 1 Cor 1:16
Principalities 1 Cor 15:24
Dominations Col 1:16
Throne Col 1:16
Cherubim Gen 3:24
Seraphim Is 6:2
(That is the first time each appears, but they are mentioned more frequently.)

I found a page that had quite an interesting take on things that I wanted to get Catholic (name removed by moderator)ut on. I’d never heard it before. It said that there are twelve types of seraphim, listed below. Does anyone know any more about this?
  1. Epochal angels: direction of the affaires of each generation and root race
  2. Progress angels: initiate the evolutionary process of creatures
  3. Religious guardians: angels of the church
  4. Angels of national life: angels of the trumpets, direct political performance
  5. Angels of the races: work for conservation of the evolutionary process
  6. Angels of the future: forecast and predict the future
  7. Angels of enlightment: planetary education, mental and moral training
  8. Angels of health: angelic healing corps
  9. The home seraphim: preservation and advancement of the home.
  10. Angels of industry: foster industrial development
  11. Angels of diversion: play, humor, rest, and human leisure
  12. Angels of superhuman ministry: angels of the angels.
Well, in that case do you believe in angels? 🙂
As a Catholic you must believe in Angels. Remember the Annunciation when the Angel appeared to Mary!!
From what I understand we are only permitted to call Michael, Gabriel and Raphael by name, as they are named in Scripture.
Eeyeah, I would not take that site seriously. It IS by a psychic! I remember going there during my New Age phase on Atlantis…
This is really interesting that you just started this thread because I was about to myself.

What I’ve learned is that
  1. teachings on angels are not dogmatic (you don’t have to believe them)
  2. there is considerable tradition concerning angels
  3. the traditional accounts are strongly held throughout the Christian world (are widely accepted)
I read the NewAdvent article and found it somewhat confusing, and quite lacking. The scripture accounts of the nine choirs of angels can be found here:

Angels Gen 16:7
Archangels 1 Thes 4:15
Virtues 1 Cor 15:24
Powers 1 Cor 1:16
Principalities 1 Cor 15:24
Dominations Col 1:16
Throne Col 1:16
Cherubim Gen 3:24
Seraphim Is 6:2
(That is the first time each appears, but they are mentioned more frequently.)

I found a page that had quite an interesting take on things that I wanted to get Catholic (name removed by moderator)ut on. I’d never heard it before. It said that there are twelve types of seraphim, listed below. Does anyone know any more about this?
  1. Epochal angels: direction of the affaires of each generation and root race
  2. Progress angels: initiate the evolutionary process of creatures
  3. Religious guardians: angels of the church
  4. Angels of national life: angels of the trumpets, direct political performance
  5. Angels of the races: work for conservation of the evolutionary process
  6. Angels of the future: forecast and predict the future
  7. Angels of enlightment: planetary education, mental and moral training
  8. Angels of health: angelic healing corps
  9. The home seraphim: preservation and advancement of the home.
  10. Angels of industry: foster industrial development
  11. Angels of diversion: play, humor, rest, and human leisure
  12. Angels of superhuman ministry: angels of the angels.
Eeyeah, I would not take that site seriously. It IS by a psychic! I remember going there during my New Age phase on Atlantis…
Yes, that particular site sounds and looks like a new age site, as it mentions names of angels we are not supposed to invoke.

The Catholic site noted before, is a good one.

Discernment is so important!
Yes, that particular site sounds and looks like a new age site, as it mentions names of angels we are not supposed to invoke.
I don’t think this is a valid argument. (That the site is off its rocker and pulled the info out of thin air is valid; I refer to the statement here and a few posts back that we can’t call angels by name except those named in scripture.) CAF apologists seem to have a different perspective. Can we know our guardian angel’s name?
I don’t think this is a valid argument. (That the site is off its rocker and pulled the info out of thin air is valid; I refer to the statement here and a few posts back that we can’t call angels by name except those named in scripture.) CAF apologists seem to have a different perspective. Can we know our guardian angel’s name?
OK, so there is an exception.

I had heard about not calling angels by names other than in Scripture from spiritual directors who deal with answering such questions, because they have dealt with those who had various problems by invoking certain names. Some “new age” sites have names for angels, and we shouldn’t be invoking them, as they could be from the evil one and can mislead us.

The angels named in Scripture are there to help us on the way to salvation. Certainly our guardian angels are there to help us on the way to salvation.
So “Saraquel” mentioned earlier is a no-no? I’ve never heard of him before!
So “Saraquel” mentioned earlier is a no-no? I’ve never heard of him before!
I’ll stay with Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael. We know they are of God.
No Guardian Angles mentioned among the nine orders of angels. Why is this?
No Guardian Angles mentioned among the nine orders of angels. Why is this?
Guardian angels come from the lowest rank of angels, which are simply known as “angels”.

It starts, from highest to lowest, with Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominations, Powers, Virtues, Principalities, Archangels, and Angels.
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