About old chalices that I discovered!

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Okay. I found a chalice from an old abandoned Tabernacle (which was left open) and I showed it to our sachristan. It was ornately decorated with the IHS and the Agnus Dei symbols… It had a name of a relatively popular priest (the identity of whom I won’t reveal yet) inscribed on the bottom in Italian with his designation and birthplace. What could that mean?
It could have been a chalice that was an ordination gift (often for a priest’s personal use) or for an anniversary of ordination. Unfortunately, many beautiful older pieces have been stuffed into the back of cupboards (or stored in redundant tabernacles). I’ve lost count of the amount of treasures I’ve found at the back of cupboards and in old boxes. Luckily the priest is very much in favour of restoring and putting these pieces back into use again. They were designed to be used in the worship of God - that’s how they should remain.
Also I found it in a Tabernacle of our old church that’s about to be brought down. So…
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One more thing, inscribed underneath the chalice are the words, “AL RETTOR MAGG. DON LUIGI RECCERI - IL CLERO DI MINEO”, which translated means “THE RECTOR MAJOR FATHER LUIGI RECCERI - THE CLERGY OF MINEO”. But I am dumfounded as to how it came to be found in our old church! That’s what I wanted to know! Does this necessarily mean it belonged to Fr Luigi?
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And may I mention that I don’t really care for your tone! Ireland is not the only place in world, you know!
Welcome to the forum! It’s hard to judge someone’s tone or attitude from text on a page. In Christian charity and respect, assume the person meant no ill will. Especially when you are only referencing one reply. Irishmom2 is a regular and valued member of this community and I can assure you she meant no disrespect.
Thank you @humbleseeker. It seems I have forgotten my manners. I apologise to @Irishmom2 for acting out on what was said. I am genuinely sorry.
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One more thing, inscribed underneath the chalice are the words, “AL RETTOR MAGG. DON LUIGI RECCERI - IL CLERO DI MINEO”, which translated means “THE RECTOR MAJOR FATHER LUIGI RECCERI - THE CLERGY OF MINEO”. But I am dumfounded as to how it came to be found in our old church! That’s what I wanted to know! Does this necessarily mean it belonged to Fr Luigi?
I am a former head sacristan. My parish has a number of chalices, ciboria, vestments, thuribles and so forth that previously belonged to individual priests. We inherited them after these priests died. So a liturgical vessel found under these circumstances does not necessarily need to be returned to anyone—it may already be in the hands of its legal caretaker. Without a paper trail, however, it’s very difficult to know for sure.

Based on the inscription, there are a few possibilities. In absence of guidance from your sacristan, I advise you to bring the chalice to your parish priest and ask him how to proceed. 🙂
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And may I mention that I don’t really care for your tone! Ireland is not the only place in world, you know!
This is not an acceptable response on the forum. It’s considered a violation of TOS. Please calm down. I’m not flagging it this time.
The best strategy on here is to respond politely even if you’re not sure of the other’s “tone”. I agree with the other poster that Irishmom meant you no harm, however, insulting anyone’s user name or country, regardless of what they say, is really way out of line.
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Thanks @UpUpAndAway! I do really appreciate your advice.
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Dearest @Tis_Bearself, I realise I made a mistake and I’m terribly sorry. But just to be clear, I meant no disrespect to any country! But, again, I apologise none the less
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