God bless and i pray you the greatest good.I didn’t think that Seasame street would help me with memory loss and see that scrupulous behaviour is ridiculous. There are psychologists who deal with major issues.
In my country trapped miners were all rescued!
Here is a link from my insurance company which I thought was “evil”
I know I am an embarrasment to people who know me, but I still will talk about scruples and fear!
Takalani Sesame Muppets
@IwantGod You did not quote the 1st part of the OP’s post. Furthermore your post is seemingly a mockery of what troubles the OP is going through. We are called to support and Love our family in Christ.I didn’t think that Seasame street would help me with memory loss
True but i hate making mistakes, especially that kind of mistake. GodblessWe all make mistakes through this earthly existance.