I have a coworker who frankly doesn’t believe in God but does believe there is an Absolute Truth. He believes that all religion and faith is fantasy and as such should be ignored as its held Mankind back from true enlightenment. When he mentioned absolute truth I mentioned that Jesus said he is the way the truth and the life. Which he then said Jesus never existed. I mentioned Josephus and he said that Josephus wrote about him in 93 A.D. thus since he didn’t see him all he observed were Jesus’s followers. I mentioned Jesus was revolutionary and he said the virgin birth was around before with both Aten and Mithra and other ancient religions. Then he said show me God. I told him about the Eucharist. Needless to say he believes in science and the belief should only be proved by science. Every one that believes in Christianity or any religion is simply being fooled by an ignorant sheep farmer and thus ignorant themselves willingly. He then pointed me towards an atheist website so I pointed him to a catholic one. I asked him to read it the catholic one and he said he wants me to read it and get back to explain it to him. The problem is its using string theory to justify faith in God and he’s using String theory to justify his unbelief. The Physics gives me a headache and I personally don’t need to know about string theory as my belief is well… experiential. I tried to explain that to him but he wasn’t interested in that.
In the end I was wondering how can one find absolute truth without faith? How can scientific evidence for God be found aside from string theory. I feel like I’m beating my head against a wall. He wants me to prove God on his terms as he says," Since we say there is a God we have to prove it."
So, how can I answer? that he might be open to understanding how can many believe in God?
Sorry just had to get this off my chest. Moderator I hope this is the proper forum for these questions if its not can you move the post there?
Sincerely Yours in Christ Jesus,
In the end I was wondering how can one find absolute truth without faith? How can scientific evidence for God be found aside from string theory. I feel like I’m beating my head against a wall. He wants me to prove God on his terms as he says," Since we say there is a God we have to prove it."
So, how can I answer? that he might be open to understanding how can many believe in God?
Sorry just had to get this off my chest. Moderator I hope this is the proper forum for these questions if its not can you move the post there?
Sincerely Yours in Christ Jesus,