Acceptable TV show?

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I’m wondering what everyone’s opinion is regarding the Sopranos? Although I’m a faithful Catholic, I do enjoy this show (when it’s on). Would this be morally acceptable? I just discovered they’re going to be on for a sixth season…:clapping:
I’m wondering what everyone’s opinion is regarding the Sopranos? Although I’m a faithful Catholic, I do enjoy this show (when it’s on). Would this be morally acceptable? I just discovered they’re going to be on for a sixth season…:clapping:
Having never seen the show, I can’t specifically comment.

But I can state Catholic teaching, generally: we should strive to do that which brings us closer to God. We should avoid that which is profane (2 Timothy 2:16 - “But shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness.”) and leads us away from God.

How that applies to The Sopranos I leave to you.

Okay class… discuss.
I like the sopranos too. I think it is very entertaining. It may be crude, but it also a learning tool…by watching it, you learn how you shouldn’t be. Or so i see it…

Avoid all thigns profane today, means avoiding the enitre world…Even the church scandal is profane, but we can’t avoid it if we want to improve it.
I also enjoy the Soprano’s and have struggled with if watching it is “ok” or not. I decided if I knew it was fiction and that the charecters were wrong, then I as a responsible adult could watch it if I wanted.

I will not be watching the 6th season however. I have canceled HBO because of their catholic-bashing “report” on celibecy. I told DirectTV why I canceled also. I can no longer give money to a network that would spew hate-speech programing.

Just my :twocents:,
🙂 Lilder
It may just be a misconception I have, but it seems as if there is a double standard when it comes to standards of decency for entertainment. I’m not referring to anyone specifically, but I’ve noticed there are some people who boo television in general but are avid moviegoers- not that all movies are bad. I just don’t think someone who vilifies The Sopranos can then turn around and sing praises of movies such as Kill Bill (vol. 1 in particular) and the like. :hmmm:
I’m wondering what everyone’s opinion is regarding the Sopranos? Although I’m a faithful Catholic, I do enjoy this show (when it’s on). Would this be morally acceptable? I just discovered they’re going to be on for a sixth season…:clapping:
We don’t get HBO just the cheapest cable we can and that is just the basics so we can have our local news and some world news also like cspan, msnbc and fox. I have heard this is a popular show though but don’t know much more than that its about the mob? I guess as long as your just watching it and not thinking about it non stop etc. its totally up to you, of course if you find watching it makes you act differently etc. then obviously you don’t want to watch it. I find the mob shows very disturbing myself, I cried through goodfellas, I just found it very upsetting and disgusting :crying: but again, I don’t know what this show is really about and how much violence is shown. I myself like law and order all the series that they have spun off into as I love trying to solve the mystery before they reveal the who did it at the end.
Personally, the one time I turned on “The Sopranos” to check it out I saw two topless women slow dancing together. :bigyikes: That did it for me! (I never watched it again.)

I used to love “Sex and the City” but wound up taking it to the confessional and stopped watching it. Would I watch it if Jesus were sitting with me? Heck no! The writing was good, but so very, very crude! and I have to admit a few untasteful things I saw have stuck with me, ruining a part of whatever innocence is left in me. :mad: Even the toned-down version on TBS reinforces bad decisions and glorifies promiscuous lifestyles.

Oh! … “Sex” was so popular for HBO that Showtime created it’s own lesbian version. :ehh:
I like the sopranos too. I think it is very entertaining. It may be crude, but it also a learning tool…by watching it, you learn how you shouldn’t be. Or so i see it…
as a side note, raphaela, please be careful with this attitude. Don’t you think you already know how not to be? What watching the show is doing is desensitizing your conscience and morals. 😦

Well, that’s my :twocents: for the day!

I used to watch it all the time until this year. Something about it just got too unpleasant. I don’t know if I’m just more sensitive, but I chalk it up to one, my wanting to be more careful about what I see, and two, the fact that things are so unpleasant sometimes in real life (just watch the news one night) that I didn’t want to subject myself to more awfulness by choice.

God Bless,

PS: That said, I don’t know that it would really be sinful, right? Unless it somehow led you to sin, for instance by seeing the strip club scenes, etc. It certainly shows the bad side of that lifestyle.
I am a big Sopranos fan! I am a little miffed though…I heard that season 6 aint gonna air til 2006! :eek:

So far I have bought the first 3 seasons… its an incredibe show…depicting how people freely choose their paths…and how Carmela is always struggling with her faith (catholic) and then always giving in because of the lifestyle she can live…fascinating TV. I aint crazy about the sex scenes and nudity…the nudity (strippers) dont bug me…but I do close my eyes when there is a sex scene…I dont approve of them, but they’re over pretty fast, and not warrented for me to give up the show. I’m also a fan of KIll Bill btw! 😉

What I DO find evil is Queer as Folk…WOW! :eek: and the scary part is how well that show is made… a few episodes were enough for me. I also gave up Six Feet Under…disliked it the minute a gay charactor was introduced…the same with The Shield…I aint homophobe…I just dislike the sly manuvering of depicting homosexuality as “okay” Give me a show where a gay charactor doesnt want to be gay and fights it by praying etc…even if he/she falls now and then in the series, I’d be more accepting…I’m just tired of the nothing wrong with it attitude in these shows.
I’m not a huge fan of the Sopranos, but then there are objectionable things even in shows like “Trading Spaces”. The bottom line on the morality or sinfulness of anything is how you respond to the messages and what you do with them. If it gives you the perspective that cheating on your wife, killing your nephew and shacking up with your sister-in-law are a good thing, then obviously it’s not a very moral show. But if you watch it and realize that you’re in a much better position and learn to protect yourself from the evils of the world, then at least there are redeeming factors…at least for you.

As for me, my remote is preprogrammed for the History channel, MSNBC, A&E and HGTV when the kids are watching. They not only get to learn a little something, but they also tire of TV much quicker and find their way to bed much earlier.
I saw it once because I like to be informed on the popular culture as it is one of the important issues in our world.

I watched for about 10 minutes and shut it off. The scene was a woman was tied to a chair and some thugs were going to shoot her so she was begging for her life by offering to do a particular “favor”. That was enough for me. I have no interest in the glorification of the mafioso lifestyle.

(I grew up in Brooklyn and one of the girls I went to high school with was found stuffed under the dashboard near the front seat of her car. Her boyfriend was found in the parking lot of the Staten Island mall in the trunk of another car. She was 19. He was a married father of 6 who was turning states evidence. This stuff is real and should not be glamorized.)
Every year TV pushes the envelope one step further and every year the viewing audience is like the frog in a pot of boiling water. Myself included. I am totally hooked on the show “24” but am amazed at the level of violence that it shows. I justify my watching it because sex is not an issue in the series, but I know I am continuing to desensitize by conscience to violence, which is NOT a good thing.

The ugly things in life *should * shock and disgust us. The shows we watch now are removing our innocence and THAT is not good.

Another :twocents:

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