Accidentally eating meat on Fridays of Lent

  • Thread starter Thread starter BigMike1
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I was eating some soup on a Friday of Lent. As I was eating I tasted something I believed to be meat. I continued eating, but I found a chunk of meat in my soup towards the end of my meal. Have I sinned? Was it mortal or venial?
Fasting and abstain from meat on appointed days is one of the precepts of the Church. The question I am asking is if it was accidental. Thank you for you response and time!
In a spirit of repentance, you could have another meatless meal on another day to ‘make up for’ your soup. You don’t have to, but there is something that feels like a generous response to God. Like saying ‘I didn’t mean to, I’ll try again’.
I don’t know what diocese/Eparchy you’re in but some bishops have dispensed the faithful in their care from fasting and abstinence on the Fridays of Lent. Good Friday is a day of strict fast and abstinence everywhere in the Church so that’s required.
That doesn’t seem quite right. It’s not a tradition like blessing Easter baskets. Fasting on Friday has been practiced since Apostolic times (c.f. the Didache).
Abstaining from meat on Friday is a law of the Church - a disciplinary one, meaning it can be changed or may vary from place to place (and does, in fact). Many bishops are dispensing the law at this time of pandemic. Regardless, one cannot accidentally sin.
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