Account: "Loneliness is A Deadly Epidemic spurred on by Covid-19."

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“Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted is the most terrible poverty.” – St. Teresa of Calcutta”

“ . What follows is from their report of May 1, 2018.
  • 47 percent of Americans sometimes or always feel alone
  • 27 percent of Americans feel no one understands them
  • 40 percent think that their relationships have no meaning and feel isolated
  • 20 percent feel they feel close to no one and have no one to talk to
  • AMAZINGLY—the Generation Z people (18 to 22) are the loneliest generation. How scary is that?
  • Social Media users have a 43.5 percent loneliness factor which was comparable to the 41.7 percent for those who do not use social media.”

    …That was from May,2018. Imagine what it stands at now 😞
I don’t find the Generation Z part at all amazing or a surprise.

This is a demographic that has just left the social circle of high school, a situation that will not be repeated in their life. In college or in the ‘real world,’ interpersonality will require more of an effort. It happens in every generation.

I’d say that that age group has it easier than lonely children or older demographics.

So they are quoting studies from 2018 which show large numbers of lonely people, but the title of the thread attributes it to Covid?

I will admit that I don’t understand loneliness. I am too busy and have too many things going on in my life to be lonely. Between wife, child, business, KofC’s, Boy Scouts, projects around the house, and helping other folks out when I have time, there just isn’t time to be lonely.

With that being said, my 94 year old mother who has been locked down since March is very lonely. With her dementia, it makes it worse. She can’t remember how to pick up the phone and call any of her 11 children when she wants. We all rotate in calling her several times a day, but she doesn’t always answer the phone due to various reasons.

So I guess depending on what demographic you are in, I can see how some of the increase in loneliness would be a result of Covid, but for younger people who are able to be mobile, have had the extra time on hands, I just don’t get it. Folks just need to find something to do and get out there and do it.
I will admit that I don’t understand loneliness. I am too busy and have too many things going on in my life to be lonely.
Never confuse being busy or surrounded by people with not feeling lonely. People can be in a crowd of their friends and family and still feel lonely. People can fill their day with activities and volunteering and caring for family and still be lonely if they fail to feel a connection.

I am happy you are not lonely, but many people are.
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