Act of Violence Against Prolife Protester

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There was an act of violence, May 15, perpetrated by an angry teenager during the peaceful protest outside of the home of the university president, Paul Davenport, who ramroded through the selection of Canada’s most infamous abortionist for an honorary Doctor of Laws degree to be awarded next month at the UWO in London, ON, Canada.

According to the LifeSiteNews report May 18, a prolifer, Brian Cook, was struck on the shoulder by a full can of pop which had been hurled from a passing car. Although he was not seriously hurt several youngsters standing nearby could have easily been hit. The young man was arrested by police and not charged after writing a note of apology for his stupid action. Mr. Cook magnanimously accepted the apology.

Imagine the headlines had the players in this story been reversed…
I was pro-life demonstrating today and got hit twice. Once be a woman who had just miscarried and once by a man who kicked all of signs. It is not uncommon for anti-lifers to be arrested at pro-life demos. It just never gets in the news. I have personally witnessed at least ten of these outbursts.
I was pro-life demonstrating today and got hit twice. Once be a woman who had just miscarried and once by a man who kicked all of signs. It is not uncommon for anti-lifers to be arrested at pro-life demos. It just never gets in the news. I have personally witnessed at least ten of these outbursts.

I’m sorry that you were hit and I hope that you’re OK…

During the San Francisco March for Life, the SFPD had to provide “aggressive security” because of how unruly the PRO-DEATH crowd surrounding the PRO-LIFE Marchers was. People in the PRO-DEATH MOB shouted Epithets, threw things and tried very hard to get either the SFPD of the PRO-LIFE Marchers to retaliate.

The SFPD had originally been told that they would be needed to “PROTECT San Francisco from the PRO-LIFE Marchers”. They learned very quickly that they had been lied to that that they were needed to PROTECT THE PRO-LIFE Marchers from San Francisco’s “Loving People”!

And, NO! The press didn’t carry ONE Single solitary account about the appalling behavior of the “Counter-Demonstrators”. Those that mentioned it blamed it on the PRO-LIFE Demonstrators, in spite of ALL THE EVIDENCE TO THE CONTRARY!

As far as the press is concerned, you’re causing this appalling behavior by your mere presence and existence… But, remember, most members of the PRESS have NO IDEA that ABORTIONS actually kill BABIES and are therefore “Pro-Choice”! So, the members of the press think you’re interfering with a woman’s exercise of her lawful right, NOT defending a child’s right to live.

Reporters and other members of the press may very well be the hardest ones to educate as to the real issues involved, but they’re the ones (right after the PREGNANT WOMEN) who really must be educated. Because once reporters begin to understand that ABORTIONS KILL BABIES, and that one human being is NOT more human than another one, and that viability or some other subjective measure DOESN’T DETERMINE HUMANITY, you’ll start getting MORE and BETTER COVERAGE, and they’ll begin to report attacks on PRO-LIFERS by PRO-DEATHERS as the CRIMES they really are.

This may be worth trying to get to know a couple of reporters, or even inviting them to join the demonstrations and showing them the GRAPHIC PICTURES of ABORTED FETUSES!

We definitely need to get some reporters on our side.

Meanwhile, take care of yourself and pray for Angelic Protection, esp. from St. Michael the Archangel. Do this before and during every march, and let some of us know so that we pray for you, as well.

May God richly bless you for the physical risks you’ve taken on behalf of His Little Ones.
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