Just came back from my first ACTS retreat. I'm starting a new thread here because the archived posts are very out of date.
I didn't like it, but I could see that many of the women attending were being blessed. I'd just like to make a distinction between "privacy" and "secrecy", which is an issue with some people who have attended these retreats. "Privacy" to me means not revealing the contents of any personal sharings or the identities of retreatants--this of course is reasonable. "Secrecy" at my retreat involved not revealing the agenda, the planned events, the topics of talks, or other info about the content of the retreat.
I was told that the secrecy was necessary to preserve the surprise, but I couldn't find out why surprising the attendees was considered a good idea. My questions were answered evasively, and this struck me as rather creepy.
The content was very orthodox and faithful to the Magisterium. The schedule was very crowded, unnecessariy so, in my opinion. Little private time was allowed, even for private visits before the Blessed Sacrament.
Lots of enforced community, walking in procession, and singing the retreat theme song or the "walking song."
I stayed through the whole retreat and participated fully because I wanted to give it a fair trial. I didn't like it, and I won't being doing another ACTS retreat, nor will I recommend it.