Adam and Eve married by whom?

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I got to thinking about why it is not considered mortal sin Adam and Eve having children. What about all their descendants that followed. Genesis4:1 “The man had intercourse with his wife Eve, and she conceived and gave birth.”
Since there was no church established yet, and Jesus is the one who made marriage a binding union. God sends them off wanting them to be fruitful. Obviously he was okay with them having children and Eve is called his wife, but who married them? God I guess, he gave them his blessing?
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Yes, God. It was not a Catholic sacramental marriage, and didn’t need to be.
God took upon himself to be the “shoshbin”, the witness. How mighty is his love is even from the beginning.
  1. it wasn’t a Sacramental Marriage, it was a natural one
  2. even if it was a Sacramental Marriage, the Latin Church reaches that the Bride & Groom actually preform the sacrament. The Deacon, Priest or Bishop simply witnesses & guides the couple.
Amazing isn’t it, God that is full of mercy and compassion displaying his humility as God. And Christ came having all of those traits as God.
@Scorpionkiller & @phil19034, He was also their Priest:

[27] And God created man to his own image: to the image of God he created him: male and female he created them. [28] And God blessed them, saying: Increase and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it, and rule over the fishes of the sea, and the fowls of the air, and all living creatures that move upon the earth. [29] And God said: Behold I have given you every herb bearing seed upon the earth, and all trees that have in themselves seed of their own kind, to be your meat: [30] And to all beasts of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to all that move upon the earth, and wherein there is life, that they may have to feed upon. And it was so done.

[26] “Let us make man to our image”: This image of God in man, is not in the body, but in the soul; which is a spiritual substance, endued with understanding and free will. God speaketh here in the plural number, to insinuate the plurality of persons in the Deity.

[28] “Increase and multiply”: This is not a precept, as some Protestant controvertists would have it, but a blessing, rendering them fruitful; for God had said the same words to the fishes, and birds, (ver. 22) who were incapable of receiving a precept.

C.f. Hebrews 5: 1-6
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Right at the beginning God began building family. And bestowing blessing.
That is the acorn of the oak tree to come.
Since there was no church established yet, and Jesus is the one who made marriage a binding union.
This is not correct.

Marriage is a natural institution from the beginning (Eve was Adam’s wife).

Christ raised marriage between the baptized to the dignity of a sacrament. Marriage between unbaptized parties or baptized/unbaptized remains a good and natural marriage.
God sends them off wanting them to be fruitful. Obviously he was okay with them having children and Eve is called his wife, but who married them?
They married each other, by mutual consent.

Which is how marriage is today. The priest doesn’t marry the couple, the priest witnesses the marriage.
To all who have replied before me, and to the OP.
There was no ordained minister, or a state marriage license either.
I would say they were married by the natural law that is so lost upon American society especially today.
According to Catholic teaching on marriage, marriage without a Church wedding is possible. The way I heard it, if a couple finds themselves isolated on a island with no one else there, they can become legitimately be married, in the Catholic view.
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The Church has always acknowledged the existence of the “Natural Marriage”.
Natural marriage is the name given in Catholic canon law to the covenant “by which a man and a woman establish between themselves a partnership of the whole of life and which is ordered by its nature to the good of the spouses and the procreation and education of offspring”
Adam and Eve were in this relationship. No sin here.
even if it was a Sacramental Marriage, the Latin Church reaches that the Bride & Groom actually preform the sacrament. The Deacon, Priest or Bishop simply witnesses & guides the couple.
This ^^^ The ministers of the sacrament of marriage are the bride and groom. In fact for most of the institutional Church’s existence, a priest and even witnesses weren’t “required”. That only changed in the (I think) 13th century.

Prior to that, only the bride and groom were needed and the marriage consummated.
The way I heard it, if a couple finds themselves isolated on a island with no one else there, they can become legitimately be married, in the Catholic view.
This isn’t accurate under the current code of canon law. A couple may marry before witnesses only in certain circumstances. There is no provision to marry without at least two witnesses.

Can. 1116 §1. If a person competent to assist according to the norm of law cannot be present or approached without grave inconvenience, those who intend to enter into a true marriage can contract it validly and licitly before witnesses only:

1/ in danger of death;

2/ outside the danger of death provided that it is prudently foreseen that the situation will continue for a month.

§2. In either case, if some other priest or deacon who can be present is available, he must be called and be present at the celebration of the marriage together with the witnesses, without prejudice to the validity of the marriage before witnesses only.
Laws and commandments are only valid from the moment they are introduced. They are not supposed to be retroactive.

So before God gave Moses the commandment about adultery, there was no such commandment. If Abraham had concubines, that was by consequence not a sin before God because God cannot punish you for not keeping commandments he has not yet chosen to reveal.

Seeing God didn’t tell Adam and Eve that they needed to marry before having intercourse, and seeing he was there, he cold easily have told them had it mattered, I believe that this requirement or commandment did not exist at that time.

Just as commandments and laws can be created and come into effect by God communicating them either directly or through prophets, God can also repeal and remove such laws. Thus the New Covenant of the New Testament replaces the deuternomical laws of the Old Testament.

The only commandment that God gave to Adam was not to eat of the apple. That was thus the only commandment he could have held him responsible for breaking.
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When he brought her to the man, the man said:

“This one, at last, is bone of my bones
and flesh of my flesh;
This one shall be called ‘woman,’
for out of man this one has been taken.”

That is why a man leaves his father and mother and clings to his wife, and the two of them become one body.
Genesis 2:22-24
This is a marriage ceremony, intended as a model for all later marriages. (“this is why…”)
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