Adam and Eve outside of our world?

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I don’t know how theologically sound this is, and if it is heretical or heterodox then I recant it, but is it possible the fall took place within a realm not accessible to our own? That is, if we were to go back through natural history, which includes our evolution as a species, we could never find a specific time or place that is the fall of mankind but rather the fall must be interpreted in a more mystical way? Some commentators have noted that the authors of Genesis portray Eden as a sort of middle realm between our world and the heavenly world which Adam and Eve were made inhabitants of but when they fell they were kicked out of the garden, so it might be consistent with this. What is your take on it?
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I don’t know how theologically sound this is, and if it is heretical or heterodox then I recant it, but is it possible the fall took place within a realm not accessible to our own? That is, if we were to go back through natural history, which includes our evolution as a species, we could never find a specific time or place that is the fall of mankind but rather the fall must be interpreted in a more mystical way? Some commentators have noted that the authors of Genesis portray Eden as a sort of middle realm between our world and the heavenly world which Adam and Eve were made inhabitants of but when they fell they were kicked out of the garden, so it might be consistent with this. What is your take on it?
Humani Generis Pius XII (1950):
37. When, however, there is question of another conjectural opinion, namely polygenism, the children of the Church by no means enjoy such liberty. For the faithful cannot embrace that opinion which maintains that either after Adam there existed on this earth true men who did not take their origin through natural generation from him as from the first parent of all, or that Adam represents a certain number of first parents. Now it is in no way apparent how such an opinion can be reconciled with that which the sources of revealed truth and the documents of the Teaching Authority of the Church propose with regard to original sin, which proceeds from a sin actually committed by an individual Adam and which, through generation, is passed on to all and is in everyone as his own.[12]
[12] Cfr. Rom ., V, 12-19; Conc. Trid., sess, V, can. 1-4.
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is it possible the fall took place within a realm not accessible to our own?
It is certainly possible, even if you discount the angel with the sword at the gates of Eden blocking access.

The story of Noah’s flood talks about the “eretz” being flooded. A lot of people interpret eretz as being the whole planet, not just a part of it.

Now consider Genesis 12:1, which says:
The Lord had said to Abram, “Go from your country [eretz], your people and your father’s household to the land [eretz] I will show you.
If eretz is to be interpreted as a whole planet, then everything from Eden, Adam and the Fall to Abram/Abraham happened on a different planet, not on Earth. Earth only enters the story after God moves Abram to his new home planet: “… I will show you.” That planet, wherever it is in the universe, is certainly not accessible to us, though it is obviously accessible to God.

This idea also explains the absence of any geological evidence for a recent planet-wide flood on Earth. The flood did happen as described, but on Abram’s home planet, not on Earth.

Ok but I’m not denying that Adam and Eve are out original parents.
is it possible the fall took place within a realm not accessible to our own? That is, if we were to go back through natural history, which includes our evolution as a species, we could never find a specific time or place that is the fall of mankind but rather the fall must be interpreted in a more mystical way?
No. The Catechism asserts that, although the narrative is figurative, it “affirms a primeval event, a deed that took place at the beginning of the history of man” (CCC, 390).

Now, it’s possible – as with all of Scripture – to ponder the spiritual senses of the text, but that does not imply that we are able to ignore the literal sense. In this case, that means that there was an actual event that happened (even if it didn’t include talking snakes and apples).
It is certainly possible, even if you discount the angel with the sword at the gates of Eden blocking access.
Indeed. Kinda like a portal 🤓
This idea also explains the absence of any geological evidence for a recent planet-wide flood on Earth. The flood did happen as described, but on Abram’s home planet, not on Earth.
I remember you bringing this up about 2 years ago. It’s a little sci-fi but intriguing!
I concur with @rossum. We can only speculate, but I believe that it’s entirely possible.

After all, God did translate Elijah and Enoch elsewhere. According to tradition, they’ll return during the Last Days.

Very interesting!
Well, that would explain why 96% of the Universe is unaccounted for 🤔
I think that regardless of where they were, they were certainly translated into a different state. As the Church teaches they were now, after the Fall, separated in some manner from God, from the rest of creation, from their fellow man, and from their own selves. Immortality along with self-mastery were no longer theirs, life became hard. Pride, strife, anger, competition, sin would become the order of the day as God was no longer in their lives in an immediate sense.
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I don’t know how theologically sound this is, and if it is heretical or heterodox then I recant it, but is it possible the fall took place within a realm not accessible to our own?
Eden was accessible to our First Parents - Adam and Eve

Before the Fall All Creation differed in manners to Post-Fall Creation

The Former Access to Eden’s Tree of Life - is currently shut…
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