Here are a few “unbiblical words, doctrines, and practices” Protestants add “to their repertoire.”
- ‘age of accountability’
- ’ total depravity of man’
- ‘ask Jesus into your heart’ ( can you recall Paul emphasizing this concept?)
- the ‘Rapture’ ( from a prophetic revelation in Scotland in the nineteenth century’)
5)’ clothed in the righteousness of Christ’ ( a phrase never found in the New Testament, cf. Rev 19:8) - ’ invisible Church’
- emphasis on a ‘personal relationship with Christ’
- ’ accepting Christ as personal Lord and Savior’
- ’ enthroning the Bible in your heart’ ( Halley’s Bible Handbook)
- limited atonement
- ‘alter call’
12 ’ Faith alone’ - ‘Sola Scriptura’
- “baptism and the Eucharist as mere symbols.”
( Crossing the Tiber, by Steve Ray, pg. 43)