Do those of you with kids on ADHD meds for school time keep them on the meds for the summer?
Do you know that people with ADD/ADHD often “medicate” themselves with caffiene?But then again, I binge on coffee like all day when I’m home, so that might be a factor (though I find that coffee really doesn’t have much of an effect on me, I think I have become desensitized since I have been drinking it since age 7)
Yes, I did know that, and I know that caffine is a stimulant, but it doesn’t really do anything to me. I knocked back 12 cups in one day, 4 after 8 pm and I was out like a light at 10. It really doesn’t phase me like it does some people. I don’t get headaches or withdrawl symptoms if I don’t have it, despite the fact that I drink about 4 cups a day on average. I just really like the taste. And I can completely tell the difference between my meds and coffee in terms of how I feel all day.Do you know that people with ADD/ADHD often “medicate” themselves with caffiene?
Yes, Ritalin is one of the more common meds on the market. However, there are also others (such as Metadate) which are in the same family of drugs but are time-release. There is also one called Strattera that apparently has a kind of “always on effect.” It doesn’t have the ups and downs that Ritalin or other fast-acting stimulants have, and I have heard that it works very well (never tried it, I like not needed to take anything during vaca’s and weekends, and Strattera requires that you take it daily for it to keep working). But of course, that’s for you and your doctor…the most common ADHD medication is Riddilin. It is a stimulant, hence some people self-medicate with caffine.
Do you know some doctors suggest mountain dew as a medication which is just sweet caffiene.Do you know that people with ADD/ADHD often “medicate” themselves with caffiene?
Well, that’s actually an interesting approach, because stimulants cause some children top lose weight. Drinking a sugary drink I suppose could actually help them from dropping the pounds left and right. Now, I’m lucky, they don’t cause me to do that, but at 5’11.5" and 145 lbs, I shudder to think what I would look like if I started losing much weight (as I don’t have any to spare )Do you know some doctors suggest mountain dew as a medication which is just sweet caffiene.
Well, I can’t say I agree, but whatever. If you don’t want it, don’t take it. I will say, though, that it helps. But I suppose it could be one giant conspiracy…Who wants to take medication. I know since my parents force it on me that the Lord is keeping me humble. The government too. The court says it is necessary, It is just a money-maker.