This has probably been addressed before but here goes. In our parish I am a Extraordinary Mininster of the Eucharist. We have a state politician who is well known for sponsoring and voting for anti-life legislation. Our bishop has elected to take a private approach to such matters with the politicians in our diocese. I presume he has spoken with this individual but I don’t know since it is private. This individual presents himself for Holy Communion and comes up to me as I am holding up the Host before I realize who it is. I give him Communion and then realize it is him and feel sick, like I hurt Jesus. We have no instruction to withhold Communion from him from the bishop or the pastor.
Do you think I should resign from being an Extraordinary Minister so I am not in this predicament? Or is it ok to continue giving him Jesus since the bishop has not instructed otherwise?
Do you think I should resign from being an Extraordinary Minister so I am not in this predicament? Or is it ok to continue giving him Jesus since the bishop has not instructed otherwise?