Adoration of the Blessed Scarament

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Do you have Adoration of the Blessed Scarament? Can you tell a difference in your life because of your participation?

I know that the last 3+ years of our Pepetual Adoration have helped me in numerous ways. I have prayed for many requests and one at a time they are being aswered. Still have some underway and they are bearing fruit as the light illuminates the path.

The BIG request is still coming along and perhaps by the end of the year that will come to pass as well. This one specifically deals with a vocation that still has some work before it becomes a reality. But with the Lord’s help it WILL happen.

God Bless!

it is hard to tell, and i wish i would go there more, i could use it!
I go every Thursday night from 7 to 8. I have become a much calmer person and my faith has grown by leaps and bounds. Our parish was cursed with a priest who abused one of the girls in school. I know that if we had not had perpetual adoration things would have been much tougher for us. It was/is bad enough but when I go to adoration it makes me realize that Christ never promissed it would be easy, just rewarding. I wish everyone had the chance to go for an hour a week. We could change the world by doing that one thing.
I’ve noticed many in my church who go easily past the adoration chapel without as much as a wink. But many do enter and adore. There are those who bow and leave but a few just sit there and pray. The longer I stay, the more peaceful I feel.

It is there that I keep a dialog with our Lord.

Warmest regards,
In the past year I have prayed for several miracles to take place - every single request has been answered (in the affirmative I might add!)

Nobody can go in that chapel and not come out unaffected. It’s like a little bit of Heaven on earth.
My church has Adoration after most weekday masses. As a matter of fact, I spent quite some time there yesterday. I would definitely say it has made an impact in my life. I can see how my relationship is much deeper than where it might have been. I have comfort from Him when I need it, and I just have a greater sense of peace and assurance. When I am before Him in this Blessed Gift, I just feel like I can have a great conversation with Him. If you have never been, please try to go. Remember what Jesus said in the garden, “Could you not spend one hour with Me.” Try and do so. YOu will see a difference
Adoration of the Blesed Sacrament certainly did change my life - and profoundly. It was one of the key reasons why I converted to Catholicism. And that is traditional catholicism with the full tridentine latin mass. For me as a lapsed mainstream protestant it was the catholicism of the belssed sacrament - just like the sacraments, the sacramentals, the veneration of the Blessed Mother etc that is what makes Catholicism the One True Church which simply wipes away the claims of the thousands of manmade sects calling themselves Christian.
One reason why I only go to traditional chapels now is because it is only there that prior to Mass, everyone is quiet and reverent, and only there, therefore, is it possible to pray before Mass, adoring Our Lord in the Tabernacle. I realize that this doesn’t precisely answer your question but it does pertain to it very strongly: adoration, reverence before Our Lord in the Host: He is in the Tabernacle even if He is not exposed in the monstrance.
In the early 1960’s I was in Catholic elementary school and we attended Mass each morning.

My father was a smoker and passed away from leukemia when I was 9. I became an altar server. I learned a lot of reverence and I went to the church during our lunchtimes. Kneeling before the tabernacle filled a big part of the void in my life.

Not to be judgmental, but just for the sake of observation, I noted that I was the only kid that seemed to be there in church at those times. I was sad that there were not more people there to worship the Deity.
Just started going…Maybe that’s a good change in itself. I change my answer to “YES”.
Adoraton is my favorite place to be. No matter what is going on in my life, I know I can go there and be in the presence of my Blessed Lord, my God and my King. What a beautiful refuge it is.

When I sit and try to comprehend that very fact, sometimes it’s a bit overwhelming, but then I just stop my brain from trying to think too much and I just open my heart and my mind up to HIM.

WOW, I don’t understand why anyone wouldn’t take advantage of such a wonderful gift. Even if you’ve only got a few minuets. And from what I’ve been reading, it’s sad that not every parish has Adoration. How very very sad, in this day and age when so many things are going on, we NEED to be there.

If you don’t go ( and you could) you should give it a shot. You’ll be amazed. What have you got to lose?
sgt. pat:

Rest assured that my weekly hour of adoration is very very special in my life!

God Bless you and all for your participation in this wonderful opportunity to sit and talk with our Lord!

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