The Bible, the Catechism, True Knights Combat Training: Daily Prayers for Purity (www.trueknights.org), Clean of Heart: Overcoming Habitual Sins Against Purity (www.lulu.com), 101 Freedom Excercises: A Christian Guide For Sex Addiction Recovery, www.dads.org, www.saint-mike.org/csgsar/default.asp this is a Catholic sexual addictions forum. You can also try a google search for Dr. Colleen Kelly Mast and Barbara McWiggins. I hope these will help you out. God Bless You!
Just look at the front cover of Anne Coulter’s latest book- “How to talk to a Liberal (If You Must)” It works better than an ice cold shower every single time. To augment its effects, I also suggest listening to anything by Morrissey.
Theology of the Body for Beginners by Christopher West - should be mandatory reading for all singles, all dating, all engaged couples. you can read it in an evening, but will be discussing and reflecting on it for a lifetime.
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