Adult Chastity Book?

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The Bible, the Catechism, True Knights Combat Training: Daily Prayers for Purity (, Clean of Heart: Overcoming Habitual Sins Against Purity (, 101 Freedom Excercises: A Christian Guide For Sex Addiction Recovery,, this is a Catholic sexual addictions forum. You can also try a google search for Dr. Colleen Kelly Mast and Barbara McWiggins. I hope these will help you out. God Bless You!
Pure Love club on this website! This is by Jason Everette (sp?).
Just look at the front cover of Anne Coulter’s latest book- “How to talk to a Liberal (If You Must)” It works better than an ice cold shower every single time. To augment its effects, I also suggest listening to anything by Morrissey.
Theology of the Body for Beginners by Christopher West - should be mandatory reading for all singles, all dating, all engaged couples. you can read it in an evening, but will be discussing and reflecting on it for a lifetime.
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