Adult Depression

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When an adult is suffering depression and not enjoying life. Is it ok to have an older adult spank the younger adult as a method of trying to change their behavior to be more positive. To start enjoying life more.
When an adult is suffering depression and not enjoying life. Is it ok to have an older adult spank the younger adult as a method of trying to change their behavior to be more positive. To start enjoying life more.
“Get on liveing or get on dieing”
Would you enjoy life more is someone spanked you?

Adults with depression need to be treated for the depression, not treated as if they were misbehaving by throwing rocks at their siblings.

Scout :tiphat:
. Is it ok to have an older adult*** spank*** the younger adult as a method of trying to change their behavior to be more positive. QUOTE]

Ummmmm, I spanked my children. I stopped when they approached age 5 years. They were too old at that point.

Is it okay to beat your spouse to try to get them to change their behavior? Is it okay to put your neighbor in a time out to get them to be more neighborly?

No, no, no. So much is wrong with your post.😦
I just noticed that the poster of this thread is new to the forum. I certainly hope this isn’t going to be one of those threads where the poster poses a question and then tries to convince us that spanking our children is wrong because we don’t spank adults, so why would be spank children-or something like that.

Scout :tiphat:
Cokeman said:
“Get on liveing or get on dieing”

Are ya tryin’ to quote from “The Shawshank Redemption”?
It’s “get busy living or get busy dying”

Adult Clinical Depression needs compassion and care and possibly psychological help…spanking such a person COULD be classified as abuse, and MAY be illegal where you are. I would suggest that you both see the shrink.

Pax vobiscum,
Ok, I am now 33. I will try to answer some of the responses. Spanking of the children all depends on the family.
When I was in my twentys I was suffering depression at different stages. Family did not help, I tried to seek help “talk therapy” did not help. I was not spanked as an a child. I have a friend Female 7 years older then me. That I could talk to. She then suggested how about a good hand spanking as a why for you to reflect on your feelings and why you feel the way you do. She spanked me. I do not consider it abuse. We spoke daily afterwords and I did see (name removed by moderator)rovement in me. I latter moved for a different job. For Easter I am takeing a few days off. I will see her one day and I know if I ask she will spank me again. I just do not know spirtually if it is wrong, since last time it did make a difference for me.
Ok, I am now 33. When I was in my twentys I was suffering depression at different stages. Family did not help, I tried to seek help “talk therapy” did not help.
I’m not quite sure what you mean by “talk therapy” Do you mean therapy with a professional therapist? Did you only try one professional therapist? Since it’s been at least four years, I’d give a professional another try. Spanking is not a cure.
Ok, I am now 33. I will try to answer some of the responses. Spanking of the children all depends on the family.
When I was in my twentys I was suffering depression at different stages. Family did not help, I tried to seek help “talk therapy” did not help. I was not spanked as an a child. I have a friend Female 7 years older then me. That I could talk to. She then suggested how about a good hand spanking as a why for you to reflect on your feelings and why you feel the way you do. She spanked me. I do not consider it abuse. We spoke daily afterwords and I did see (name removed by moderator)rovement in me. I latter moved for a different job. For Easter I am takeing a few days off. I will see her one day and I know if I ask she will spank me again. I just do not know spirtually if it is wrong, since last time it did make a difference for me.
I’m sorry, but this sounds a bit weird to me. You’re going to ask someone to spank you? Why do you have to have someone else discipline you? Can’t you do it yourself? And the fact that you actually let another woman spank you sounds sadistic to me. You need to find a Good therapist.

Scout :tiphat:
I am not in the situation, but I fear this to be imprudent. It seems possbile she is female and you are male. The risk of something sexual here seems large.

I would try a professional shrink, and I would mention the spanking thing, to get their opinion about what this dynamic is.
Church Militant:
Are ya tryin’ to quote from “The Shawshank Redemption”?
It’s “get busy living or get busy dying”

Adult Clinical Depression needs compassion and care and possibly psychological help…spanking such a person COULD be classified as abuse, and MAY be illegal where you are. I would suggest that you both see the shrink.

Pax vobiscum,
I agree. Spanking is inappropriate and insensitive.

Ok, I am now 33. I will try to answer some of the responses. Spanking of the children all depends on the family.
When I was in my twentys I was suffering depression at different stages. Family did not help, I tried to seek help “talk therapy” did not help. I was not spanked as an a child. I have a friend Female 7 years older then me. That I could talk to. She then suggested how about a good hand spanking as a why for you to reflect on your feelings and why you feel the way you do. She spanked me. I do not consider it abuse. We spoke daily afterwords and I did see (name removed by moderator)rovement in me. I latter moved for a different job. For Easter I am takeing a few days off. I will see her one day and I know if I ask she will spank me again. I just do not know spirtually if it is wrong, since last time it did make a difference for me.
From a Spiritual point of view, I would suggest that seeing someone and getting a spanking is not appropriate at all.

If you have a problem with depression, clinical or otherwise you need to seek psychotherapy from a proper source. There are plenty of self help books available on the subject of depression. I recommend going to a therapist who does cognitive behaviour therapy since that will definitely help in the long run.

If such a thing exists where you live, I would also suggest going a long to a self-help 12 step group. The 12 steps to personal growth do help people who are depressed.

Ok, I am now 33. I will try to answer some of the responses. Spanking of the children all depends on the family.
When I was in my twentys I was suffering depression at different stages. Family did not help, I tried to seek help “talk therapy” did not help. I was not spanked as an a child. I have a friend Female 7 years older then me. That I could talk to. She then suggested how about a good hand spanking as a why for you to reflect on your feelings and why you feel the way you do. She spanked me. I do not consider it abuse. We spoke daily afterwords and I did see (name removed by moderator)rovement in me. I latter moved for a different job. For Easter I am takeing a few days off. I will see her one day and I know if I ask she will spank me again. I just do not know spirtually if it is wrong, since last time it did make a difference for me.
The only thing stranger than the spanking is the fact that you would post about it here. Two pieces of advice, get some cardio exercise ie running etc and just suck it up and deal.

matthew 11 v 28-30 . also 1cor ch10 v13 . remember this life is so transient and to despair IS a sin against the HOLY SPIRIT and dont forget the old catholic stand by "offer it up" i.e., pray,pray,pray, dont trust me… trust HIM !!!
Just an FYI to everybody, Cokeman has been around before asking this very question and his threads have gotten deleted due to people making jokes and taking the conversation to an unattractive place.

Here’s a link to his first post that give a bit of background.
Stress & Depression

I don’t mean to butt in, I just think we need to proceed with caution.

God Bless.
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