Adult Stem Cell Research Scientists Find New Stem Cell in Umbilical Cord Blood

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Another nail for the embryonic stem cell coffin:
**Adult Stem Cell Research Scientists Find New Stem Cell in Umbilical Cord Blood
**by Steven Ertelt Editor
February 13, 2006

Minneapolis, MN ( – In yet another advance of adult stem cell research, which is more ethical and has proven more effective and embryonic, scientists at the University of Minnesota Medical School have discovered a new population of cells in human umbilical cord blood that have properties of primitive stem cells.

Umbilical cord blood is generally known to contain hematopoietic stem cells that can only produce cells found in blood, though they have already been highly successful in curing or treating numerous diseases and conditions.
Thanks for posting this. I do get the LifeNews but did not see this…
Mike Owens:
Thanks for posting this. I do get the LifeNews but did not see this…
It will probably be in tomorrow’s eMail. I do not get the eMail since I check the site several times a day. The story did not appear until this afternoon.

Another nail for the embryonic stem cell coffin:PF
I dont think so. While Bush and the Pro-life community dont go for embryonic stems cells, the private sector is teaming with companies that create embyos to harvest new cell lines. there is simply no way to stop private companies from creating embryos to then destroy them. Louisiana is the only state that specifically prohibits research on in vitro fertilized embryos. In the other 49 states, a private company can fertilize embryos and then destroy them. its only a matter of time before someone perfects the procedure to create, extract, and master the use of embryonic stems cells. and it will be by a private company who owns the rights, and can make billions licensing its technology. it will be another Google. do you think California is going to ban destruction of embryos? thats where much of this research takes place, and it is only a matter of time before someone does create a line, which they can freely distribute to the rest of the US state scientists.
I dont think so. While Bush and the Pro-life community dont go for embryonic stems cells, the private sector is teaming with companies that create embyos to harvest new cell lines. there is simply no way to stop private companies from creating embryos to then destroy them. Louisiana is the only state that specifically prohibits research on in vitro fertilized embryos. In the other 49 states, a private company can fertilize embryos and then destroy them. its only a matter of time before someone perfects the procedure to create, extract, and master the use of embryonic stems cells. and it will be by a private company who owns the rights, and can make billions licensing its technology. it will be another Google. do you think California is going to ban destruction of embryos? thats where much of this research takes place, and it is only a matter of time before someone does create a line, which they can freely distribute to the rest of the US state scientists.
I say let them continue. Soon they will be bankrupt monitalily since nothing will come of it.

I say let them continue. Soon they will be bankrupt monitalily since nothing will come of it.

How do you know that? do you know how long it took people to establish the Human Embryonic Kidney (HEK 293) cell line that had reliability, immortality, and consistent expression of plasmid constructs? and that was 12-15 years ago.

all it is going to take is ONE innovative and bright scientist to figure it out, and thats it. the company will sell or license the rights to other companies, who will then create embryos by the thousands to harvest lines. of course it will either be done very discreetly, or the company will setup a base in new jersey, california, or another state that supports this. by the time the legislatures actually find out what is going on, it will be too late to stop the use of already existing embryonic lines.

you do realize that the Korean scientist who claimed to clone a stem cell line did have a AMERICAN SCIENTIST PARTNER? they in fact did successfully clone an embryo, but they fabricated actually establishing a stem cell line. the embryos were cloned, but they died shortly thereafter.

while the home state of the scientist has a ban on human cloning, all he did was travel to South Korea and perform experiments there. he then brought data back with him and used it in his own lab, thereby successfully circumventing all state and federal laws.

as long as some states allow this, then it is just a matter of time before someone hits the jackpot. they also said that it was impossible to do in vitro fertilization. now we have 400,000 extra embryos. its a matter of time.
I picked up some diet/health mags at the newsstand which have ads with headline “Stem cells saved my son’s life” speaking of cord stem cells. sponsored by CBR cord blood registry,, 1-888-275-2786. DD donated her cord through Duke Med Center, is this option becoming more widely available?
these US companies\schools are actively pursuing\supporting creation and harvesting of human embryos for stems cells:

Advanced Cell Technology, Inc
Geron Corporation
University of California at San Francisco :private grant
Stanford University :private grant
Targeted Genetics
Clone Tech
BioCryst Pharmaceuticals

…and so many more that i dont have time to find out.

In NJ and California, its estimated that more than 100 small companies in each state will be founded. this means that adademic and university scientists who are prohibited from using their federal funds to do this can establish a small company, recieve benefits from the state, and conduct research using thier academic students and post-docs and equipment so long as new materials arent purchased with federal funds.

there are also many. many other companies who do not publically admit to creation of embryos for medical research. but, being that i came from a well-respected lab for my masters, from inside information (aka job offers) i know otherwise.

many other companies also provide academic scientists with grants and money to carry out research to create embryonic stem cell lines as well.

and there is also the fact that US scientists just hop on a plane and go to the UK or South Korea and perform banned experiments there.

it looks like that it has gotten past the point where it is able to be stopped in the private sector.
Another nail for the embryonic stem cell coffin:PF
Is there any pro’s or con’s with the church if we choose to save our baby’s umbilical cord? I have not found any reason why I can not in terms of moral issues. Is feasible then for medical issues? It has been widely disputed and answers are not easy to find. It also seems expensive. Yet the health issues could easily out way the medical issues. Is there any company that is morally outstanding that someone has used and could recommend. I would greatly appreciate any ones thoughts on this topic.
Is there any pro’s or con’s with the church if we choose to save our baby’s umbilical cord? I have not found any reason why I can not in terms of moral issues. Is feasible then for medical issues? It has been widely disputed and answers are not easy to find. It also seems expensive. Yet the health issues could easily out way the medical issues. Is there any company that is morally outstanding that someone has used and could recommend. I would greatly appreciate any ones thoughts on this topic.
There is absolutely no ethical or moral concerns to doing this.

I say let them continue. Soon they will be bankrupt monitalily since nothing will come of it.

Either that or come up with a cure for a fatal disease such as AIDs of cancer.
Is there any pro’s or con’s with the church if we choose to save our baby’s umbilical cord? I have not found any reason why I can not in terms of moral issues. Is feasible then for medical issues? It has been widely disputed and answers are not easy to find. It also seems expensive. Yet the health issues could easily out way the medical issues. Is there any company that is morally outstanding that someone has used and could recommend. I would greatly appreciate any ones thoughts on this topic.
I’m not quite sure I understand your question entirely, but if the option exists in your area, you could donate your baby’s umbilical blood. I am fortunate enough to have given birth at a hospital that enabled cord blood donation with my two boys. It was completely free and all I had to do extra was fill out some paperwork beforehand.

Obviously this isn’t the same as storing your baby’s cord blood, but we knew we weren’t going to save the cord blood and this way it can help someone else.

As for the original topic, I always like to hear another advance in adult stem cell research.
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