Adult Stem Cell Research

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Hwang Woo-Suk Sues to Get Stem Cell Research Job Back at College
Seoul, South Korea ( – Disgraced scientist Hwang Woo-suk, whose team faked all of its embryonic stem cell research in an international scandal, has filed a lawsuit against Seoul National University to get his old job back. SNU fired Hwang in March and he is currently on trial having been charged by the government with embezzling research funds. Hwang’s attorney Lee Geon-haeng said the lawsuit claims SNU unfairly dismissed Hwang due to “distorted evidence.” “The plaintiff’s (Hwang’s) case was not subject to an impartial and legal procedure,” the suit says, according to a Reuters report. It adds that SNU “chose to use extreme measures of dismissing a scientist while failing to evaluate the objective truth and his public accomplishments.” Hwang resigned his teaching position at SNU’s school of veterinary medicine in December after preliminary reports surfaced showing the fraudulent nature of the studies.

God Bless,
The Stem Cell issue will decide life as we know it for all future generations

While you would read these things and, yes, Bush does not prompt the destruction of human embryos – be very careful. Embryonic stem cell research is very much active and the results of that research will require, has required, destruction of embryos. This research is far from that stage so the bill the republican senate passed would not have be of any consequence.

“There is no ban on embryonic stem cell research. To the contrary, even critics of my policy concede that these federally funded lines are being used in research every day by scientists around the world.”

“My administration has expanded the funding of research into stem cells that can be drawn from children, adults, and the blood in umbilical cords, with no harm to the donor. And these stem cells are already being used in medical treatments.”

So we didn’t fund the stuff that works while we did fund the destruction of embryos.

“Science offers the hope that we may one day enjoy the potential benefits of embryonic stem cells without destroying human life.”

I don’t think those hopes are well founded but they are well funded.
George Bush gives everyone a little bit of what they want to hear. He knows that the idea of not helping sick people is unpopular. He knows that the idea of and so he smacks the two together. He gets some cured people and money to burn, smiles and shrugs. He’s clinging to 5% of the vote by taking a 50 50 issue turning it on its ear and reeling on 95% of the people to not care, not understand or accept the lesser of two evils.

George Bush speaks the truthiness. While nobody knows the right way to overthrow a regimen, military and political minds all agree that it takes a deliberate effort to turn a country into a democracy without simply decimating the population and starting over. So while his intentions were noble, his appease the masses approach, not just in his twisted words and “mistakes” but actions, ultimately led to victory that was a mute point.

He can hold up Saddam like a trophy prize but we only hated him because he was a murder and a tyrant. To value his death is to excuse the the bombing of a similarly armed but innocent population of people. Not to mention the utter lack of any meaningful structure of businesses and industry that are the backbone of a freemarket, democratic society. The oil industry in Iraq will throw it into despotism or communism. The fact that we have now given them firearms means that that will come about in a pool of Iraqi blood.

This is not what George Bush hopes to do with stem cell research. He hope that America will find a way that others have not (embryonic) to capitalize on. Biotech does not care how it sounds so long as its followed by a cha-ching cha-ching. I can say he “hopes” because I know that the market forces involved are a big machine that eats anything stuck in its gears and that is where he has precariously placed this issue.
George Bush gives everyone a little bit of what they want to hear. He knows that the idea of not helping sick people is unpopular. He knows that the idea of and so he smacks the two together. He gets some cured people and money to burn, smiles and shrugs. He’s clinging to 5% of the vote by taking a 50 50 issue turning it on its ear and reeling on 95% of the people to not care, not understand or accept the lesser of two evils.

George Bush speaks the truthiness. While nobody knows the right way to overthrow a regimen, military and political minds all agree that it takes a deliberate effort to turn a country into a democracy without simply decimating the population and starting over. So while his intentions were noble, his appease the masses approach, not just in his twisted words and “mistakes” but actions, ultimately led to victory that was a mute point.

He can hold up Saddam like a trophy prize but we only hated him because he was a murder and a tyrant. To value his death is to excuse the the bombing of a similarly armed but innocent population of people. Not to mention the utter lack of any meaningful structure of businesses and industry that are the backbone of a freemarket, democratic society. The oil industry in Iraq will throw it into despotism or communism. The fact that we have now given them firearms means that that will come about in a pool of Iraqi blood.

This is not what George Bush hopes to do with stem cell research. He hope that America will find a way that others have not (embryonic) to capitalize on. Biotech does not care how it sounds so long as its followed by a cha-ching cha-ching. I can say he “hopes” because I know that the market forces involved are a big machine that eats anything stuck in its gears and that is where he has precariously placed this issue.
Sorry, I’m not sure just what you are sayiing here, but in speaking of the Iraq war, I’m not sure. I hear of good and bad. I just know that for the past 30 years, the Muslims have been attacking and making headway around the world, and have got to be stopped somewhere. On 9/11/01, I felt a fear that I had never before experienced. As to the specifics of the war, I leave that to the generals and to God.

But what causes me more concern is the life issues, and our resolve in fighting for life. We won’t be ultimately victorious anywhere if we do not come from a pure moral base. That is what has concerned me from the beginning. The soldiers will fight the war, and we over here will fight the moral war without which those soldiers cannot be sure of victory. Every day, though, it seems that we are losing more ground in the battle for morality, and it is deflating. Those who are advancing embryonic stem cell research are deceptive about what they are doing, so those of us who know the truth about it need to share that info with as many people as we can.

Our hope is that there are many good people fighting for life, and we need to identify them and remain loyal to them. People such as Mother Angelica, Pope Benedict, Fr. Frank Pavone, Fr. Groeschel, Karl Keating and our good friends here at Catholic Answers, and many more. God agreed to spare Sodom and Gomorrah for the sake of just ten good men, so we still have hope.
Thank you for taking the time to respond. I did not know what to expect from Pope Benedict at first. His glasses perhaps made him look a bit of a book worm. He is obviously not only a scholar but a warm and loving individual. I would have said more to his issue but I felt it was so well put.
This is obviously a pure moral base. Exactly what you would expect from the one true church. Values can be reasoned examining the changing world around us in the light of Christ.

Compromises are never an option for myself. While I’m willing to walk around a mountain to get out of the desert, I’m more than a little wary of someone who holds up a the dead Grinch of Christmas past, passes around fetus matter that he miraculously reproduced from so few and says I should stick around here in his garden of Eden, everythings going as planned. I have a knee jerk reaction to “see there that wasn’t so bad.”
I think the Catholic church and all churches should not be promoting anything political. At least at this point. It is always a losing battle when someone is sent out, prematurely, without all the facts to engage in something like politics. I don’t think George Bush is a bad immoral person. I just don’t think his head is in the right place. He holds his values as planks of a political orientation. He’s chopping every issue down the middle like he was King Solomon.

Capitalism is a popular thing but it has nasty elements that needs to be addressed. Catholism is not to the right or conservative. These words describe technique not policy. They get saddled with 50/50 issues however. This is what the republicans are doing while sawing they’re not. And these issues don’t ever really get resolved.

If I were to say that I think abortion is problem, simply voting for the anti-abortion candidate is a very short sighted goal. I am against abortion. I don’t even really think it should ever need to be illegal and I don’t think it should be legal or I don’t even really think it should ever need to be legal and I don’t think it should be illegal. These things are hard to put without saying what I really feel and that is that marriage has been pushed to later and later in life by a number of socialital factors. Instead of embracing the joy of life in our youth we set up a system that breaks apart any hope of a family before ones mid-twenties. Its either that or enter into the woefully working poor or the military. I’m pushing my 30’s right now and I’m not looking for someone my own age at this point. That’s somewhat contradictory to stigma and the way that I want it but by the time I bed someone down theres a 10 to 100 fold risk of birthdefects and infertility. That’s why they they’re talking about killing the imperfect children. But don’t be fooled, it’s the Scourge with a capital S. With that kind of pressure it’s no wonder stem cell research hasn’t taken off in a big way. And at that point in time the Eugenics Left won’t be bother with this. I really resent this fact in my own personal life. I do not meet enough people in my day to statistically have any opportunity for offspring much less with someone I could really honestly have a loving family with.

I have to say I respect someone who protects me, my life, who is there in time of emergency and who does the decent job of enforcing law. And I’m not just saying that so they’ll come on time when dial 911.

The trouble is the number of people I eat not meet though. If I were the shaman healer I would be coming in good tithings and good cheer. Typically these things can go on to a point of brutality as the light of the lord shines big stick. I am glad this is not the case but where it goes nobody knows. If they told me then I wouldn’t know. Perhaps it stops already.
See I would never arm my younger brother and send him out show his might and prove his manhood on another human being. Even with night vision, body armour, and flying machines. There is a spitefullness in the air. I have talked to Muslims before. As a christian prayed with them. I share the lord, I do not argue doctrine even worse semantics. I am not gifted with other languages so I don’t speak Arabic and while they say its the greatest language in the world I don’t see anyone sitting through three acts of it. The meaning of the prayers alludes me at times and this can make it tedious. I also don’t have the best knees for kneeling. I had already made woodoo on my own accord (sort of) anyhow so that was not an issue for me. The only issue that comes up is wheather Mohammad is a prophet. He is certainly someone with the word of God, who taught with the holy spirit. Was he an appointed messenger? There is a verse a prophet to ever nation. So, yes, I think you could call him a prophet. He was not Elisha and he says that he does not do the miracles but he has influenced many people. I think his only fault was goofy holy spirit. There are followers who were so incensed by what he said they kind of lost the jist of it. Most of this is admittedly so however and I don’t think that anyone is so totally unawares of the truth they suicide bomb. I get suicides too not much usefulness except for a few drunks as these people are soft and have no so little life in them but just the same there are a few; I don’t think I have but one Catholic. But I know that these people are not unapproachable. And I know that it is not Islam Bush is after but another political nation. So to say that you do your work here while they do theirs there is a bit a blind eye and a cold shoulder. 9/11 while scary and frightening was a series of events no (I bomb you, you bomb me, I bomb you back)? And so events were industriously capitalized upon for what is the inevitable law. I would not worry so much about people who you can not save and should you avenge, it is only your own vain image in the mirror which you avenge.
In fact I don’t think they should be promoting anything controversial about other religions. I mean who is going to be convinced by “Endless Jihad”? Where’s that audience? Is there Catholics running around with the predilection that their jihad is finite controversy? Whose fueling this fire? Arab sites may say that American soldiers are sissies but their new government shuts it down. I think this site need to check itself before it does become a religious issue. How does anyone ever trust an Iraqi coalition soldier standing behind him with something like this on the home page of Put it with literature or discussions. That’s simple kindergard level stuff. To challenge the Islamic faith on out and out doctrine, which the Catholic church is well versed in and is something to be proud of and make a great scholarly debate, you have to be somewhere in contention first.
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