Hailed as a ground-breaking study, scientists in Pittsburgh say they’ve discovered that adult stem cells have the same ability as embryonic stem cells to multiply.
The previously unknown characteristic indicates post-natal stem cells may play an important therapeutic role, according to the researchers at the city’s Children’s Hospital.
In the heated national debate, embryonic stem cells – regarded as destruction of human life by opponents – have been touted as having a greater capacity than adult cells to multiply, making them more desirable to research as a potential treatment, noted Johnny Huard, director of the hospital’s Growth and Development Laboratory.
“Scientists have typically believed that adult or post-natal stem cells grow old and die much sooner than embryonic stem cells, but this study demonstrates that is not the case,” said Huard, the senior author of the study.
The Bush administration has been criticized for using moral arguments to limit federal funding of embryonic stem cell research.
There’s ONE big reason the LEFT and the Abortion industrial complex support Embryonic Sem-Cell Research. If they get even the slightest positive result, even the slightest finding that suggests that there might be a therapeutic application for some of their findings, they have an immediate justification for ABORTION! They can immediately justify, not only the horrendous slaughter that has occured already, but they can justify a continued slaughter on the same scale!
That’s why the politically motivated universities have kept silent all the results (and there have been DOZENS of POSITIVE FINDINGS WITH THERAPEUTIC APPLICATIONS) from the research on ADULT STEM CELLS, and why they’ve kept silent the HUNDREDS OF ABYSMAL FAILURES from the research on Fetal and Embryonic Stem Cells (they’ve found hundreds of ways to make of cancers).
Those of us who thought that science followed facts and findings have been proven wrong as scientists have followed the money that was made available by the ABORTION-INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX and by the States and the Federal Government and have done fruitless experiment after fruitless experiment, while those who’ve done the Adult Stem Cell Research have made HUGE ADVANCES that HAVE REALLY HELPED people, but have received almost NO recognition or funding for this.
This is an area where the Catholic Church and those of us who are Catholics need to look at our consciences and our wallets. The scientists doing Adult Stem Cell Research are DOING REAL HUMAN GOOD (in the Thomistic sense), but are regularly cut off from both funding and recognition by UNIVERSITIES and RESEARCH INSTITUTES with PRO-ABORTION POLITICAL AGENDAS. We need to dig deeper and find some way to fund these people and their very worthy work.
We also need to find some way to publicize thier work so that it, and the GOOD being done, doesn’t go unnoticed. Bloggers and the INTERNET can help on that, and Jerry Lewis and the MDA telethons have proven that he will do what he can to help as well. Someone might want to check and see how much the Children’s Hospitals, EWTN, Priests for Life, Conservative Talk Radio Hosts (if you give me the info, I can take care of them - One is a double PhD), and the USCCB can help.
Conservative Talk Radio Hosts (Short List):
Hugh Hewitt - Only Talk Radio Host to have been confirmed to a position by a unanimous vote of the Senate)
Michael Medved - World renowned writer, Rabbinically Trained. family lives in Israel, Orthodox Jew.
Dennis Prager - World Renowned writer, Teaches Torah to Rabbis, Observant Jew.
Laura Ingraham - Former Reagan Appointee. Also has published a few books. Pro-Life.
Michael Savage - Double PhD. World renowned author.
I stopped using Bill O’Rielly after he betrayed us and flamed Fr. Pavone.
I can list a few more - I’ve brought them in on a few other fights, most notably to save the NY Times ME Forum when the Islamists (including Cair and AIMPAC) tried to destroy it. So, I can bring them into this one.
If we can’t demonstrate the advances that are being made in Adult Stem Cell Research and contrast them to the disasters that are happening in Fetal/Embryonic Stem Cell Research, we will continue to see more government money spent on Fetal Stem Cell and not Adult Stem Cell research, and to hear more pleas for Embryonic Stem Cell Research from people who will continue to claim that we don’t care about anyone when we say, “No.” to those demands.
We need to figure out where to send the money and which Catholic and Christian Colleges are going to be involved and how much they’ll help. The Administrators of these colleges need to know that they’re in this, too, or they’re not part of the Church. This fight’s that important.
Thanks for bringing this up HagiasSophia. Do you think you might see if you can dig up some of the papers so I can forward them to the Talk Show hosts. Don’t worry, I’ll explain the science and the statistics to them so they don’t get too confused (esp. Hugh Hewitt).
I used to do it for DD adults, so it shouldn’t be too hard to do this for a former US Solicitor General (that was one of the positions he held during the Reagan Administration).
Blessed are they who act to save the lives of God’s Little Ones. Michael