When my two daughters were very young, we tried something for Advent that they really enjoyed.
Every day, we would make a simple paper “craft” with a different symbol of Advent. I can’t remember where I found the list of “symbols,” but I’ll bet you can find such a list–or just make one up.
And every day, we would hang their symbols up on a piece of twine that hung across the wall like a clothing line (remember those?).
We made little Christmas trees–nothing fancy, just paper, and colored them and glued little pieces of bric-brac on for “ornaments.” We made snowmen out of cotton balls. We found “straw” at a yard nursery (straw to help us remember the manger)–I think my husband help them to braid the straw. We also used cotton balls to make a lamb. We made paper ornaments and glued glitter on them. I know we used pipe cleaners–probably for shepherds crooks.
I really can’t remember all the symbols, but with every symbol, we would read a Bible verse that described how the symbol related to Jesus and His birthday.
By the time December 24 came, that string of symbols hanging across the wall was really impressive! And the girls were so pleased that they had made it all! (Honestly, it was just little girls’ artwork, not impressive at all, but to us, it looked amazing!).
It was a fun Advent celebration that kept them busy and happy, taught them some practical skills, involved going outside or to stores to find what we needed for the symbol, and produced a lovely decoration that we kept for several years. I eventually threw it away, but I still have wonderful memories of sitting at the dining room table looking outside at our lovely yard in North Carolina–38 huge white pines–and enjoying a precious time with my little girls teaching them about Jesus through arts and crafts.