I was solicited at my door by two nice young ladies to buy some Christian books. I knew fairly quickly that they were 7th Day Adventists because they carried The Great Controversy by E.G.White. Anyway, after telling them I was Catholic and buying a harmless children’s book on Jesus (5 words per page on about 6-10 cardboard pages so I skimmed it and knew it was safe) I wished that I had some information on what their book The Great Controversy contained. I know Adventists believe things such as RCC is the whore of babylon and such but anyone know exactly what this book contains? Is it a huge part of their faith like the LDS Pearl of Great Price or something like that? I flipped through it and there was pictures of things such as a man tied to a stake in some kind of Inquistition like setting or something. Anyway, anyone read this? I don’t really want to buy it but I think it would help me understand better if I knew what it is about. . .plus I have some family who converted to this faith through marriage to an Adventist so I’m interested. So basically…what is the “controversy?”
THANKS! Brandon
THANKS! Brandon