Advertisment in protestant churches

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i have a supply business, and i deal with a lot of protestant churches who buy materials in thousands of dollars. since the y have done businees with us, they ask as to advertise in their monthly publication, which probably will support their ministry and also it is a good business for us. is there anything wrong with that since we are catholics.

god bless
i have a supply business, and i deal with a lot of protestant churches who buy materials in thousands of dollars. since the y have done businees with us, they ask as to advertise in their monthly publication, which probably will support their ministry and also it is a good business for us. is there anything wrong with that since we are catholics.

god bless
As long as their ministry is only promoting Christ and not involved in “saving” catholics.
I would not do it. Bottom line: you’d be supporting a schismatic organization.
To not do it just because they are schismatic is too broad a brushstroke…

It all depends on WHAT they want you to advertise… is it for clothing? Is it for household goods? Please be more specific…if they are asking to advertise non catholic funeral homes, or the like, than you should see if sitting down with them and discussing how BOTH of you can be productive without compromising YOUR faith in particular would be the first option, before just severing ties and harming your own business.
I’d look at the nature of each Church, but if they are not anti-Catholic, I see nothing wrong with it. I don’t buy the “supporting a schismatic” argument. I’d rather support a faithful church, even if non-Catholic, than any number of secular organizations. If everything gets boiled down to a Catholic litmus test, we’d never advertise anywhere.

I would draw the line at any organization that has anti-Catholic leanings. Beyond that, I think it’s OK. But that’s just me.
Faithful 2 Rome:
To not do it just because they are schismatic is too broad a brushstroke…

It all depends on WHAT they want you to advertise… is it for clothing? Is it for household goods? Please be more specific…if they are asking to advertise non catholic funeral homes, or the like, than you should see if sitting down with them and discussing how BOTH of you can be productive without compromising YOUR faith in particular would be the first option, before just severing ties and harming your own business.
Sorry, but this changes nothing. The fact is that a schismatic organization will financially benefit by doing so.
Sorry, but this changes nothing. The fact is that a schismatic organization will financially benefit by doing so.
Do you contribute to the Red Cross? Salvation Army? Any other charitable organizations that are not necessarily Catholic?

Your attitude is too restrictive, in my opinion. Things need to be evaluated on a case by case basis.
gomer tree:
Do you contribute to the Red Cross? Salvation Army? Any other charitable organizations that are not necessarily Catholic?

Your attitude is too restrictive, in my opinion. Things need to be evaluated on a case by case basis.
If there is a Catholic counterpart, I contribute to them. That’s why I give to the Society of St. Vincent dePaul.

Don’t you think that St. Vincent dePaul and countless other Catholic charities need our help? (You should see my mailbox filled with their pleas!)

There is no good reason to support a schismatic organization if there is a Catholic counterpart.
One good reason for such advertising would be to get those Protestants to come to you for your services, and then you can evangelize them! How great is that?

I don’t see this as a black-and-white issue. Do you know where your money is going when you purchase just about any good or service? Does your phone company give to Planned Parenthood? Or to the Seventh Day Adventists? Are you supporting Muslims in Pakistan when you buy a shirt at The Gap?

Heck, those Protestants at that church won’t even know you are *Catholic * until you start to evangelize them… 😃
You have every right to contribute as you see fit. And I do focus most of my charitable giving to Catholic organizations, but not all of it. What bothers me is the attitude that if someone doesn’t agree with your approach, then they are wrong. Besides, the question at hand is not just about charity. This is a business decision. According to your criteria, it’s not even appropriate to advertise on a secular TV or Radio station, a newspaper, or magazine. I agree that some care needs to be taken, but this takes it to somewhat ridiculous levels.
This is not a problem. Would there be anything wrong with a Catholic plumber who services their plumbing problems adverising in their publication. No!. Non Catholic businesses advertise in Catholic church bulletins all the time. This is just good busness practice for them and you.
i have a supply business, and i deal with a lot of protestant churches who buy materials in thousands of dollars. since the y have done businees with us, they ask as to advertise in their monthly publication, which probably will support their ministry and also it is a good business for us. is there anything wrong with that since we are catholics.

god bless
A foot in both camps :nope:
As long as their ministry is only promoting Christ and not involved in “saving” catholics.
Some Protestant groups deliberately target Catholics and some think the Catholic Church is a false Church and those groups would definitely be problematic from your perspective.

I would point out, however, that basically all Protestants, almost by definition, see getting “saved” (however the different denominations might describe it) as an individual decision. As such, any individual (Catholic or not) is “fair game” for evangelization if they do not believe Jesus is the Christ – the Son of God and Second Person of the Trinity. There are many Protestant sects that do not deliberately target Catholics (“sheep steal”) or think the Catholic Church is evil but if someone walks into one of their parishes and said, “I was raised Catholic but I’m not sure if I believe in God.” 99% of those Protestants would see them as someone whose soul is in jeopardy because, as an individual, he or she did not believe.

So if you see trying to convince people that Jesus is the Christ as problematic; then you would not want to be involved with any Protestant group because they all do it. (At least the non-Liberal ones.) Some will encourage people to explore different Christian traditions and many of those folks might find their way back to Rome. Others are more insular and think there is something “wrong” with Catholicism.

This is a thorny problem for you guys but I wanted to let you know how Protestants see it.

As an extension question, should we do business at all with non-Catholic churches? In that case, should we do business with non-Catholics at all? Would it be appropriate for a Catholic hospital to refuse to treat non-Catholic clergy?
As an extension question, should we do business at all with non-Catholic churches? In that case, should we do business with non-Catholics at all? Would it be appropriate for a Catholic hospital to refuse to treat non-Catholic clergy?
If there is a Catholic counterpart, I contribute to them. That’s why I give to the Society of St. Vincent dePaul.
Based on this logic a company owned by a Catholic should not hire non-Catholics if there are Catholics available for hire. A non-Catholic may contribute some of his wages to his non-Catholic church.
Unless the church in question is very anti-Catholic I don’t see a problem with advertising there especially is they are giving you their business.
I’d second those who recommended only advertise only if the congregation isn’t deliberately anti-Catholic and consciously seeks to evangelize Catholics.

Regarding the use of the term ‘schismatic’ to describe such congregations: this term should be used in only some very specific circumstances. As I understand it, schism as it is defined in canon 751 applies to those who were baptized as Catholics and only later refused to submit to the Pope or to be in full communion with the Church.

If I understand it correctly, this applies primarily to those Catholics who leave the Church and attempt to establish what they believe to be the ‘true’ Catholic Church (such as the various current anti-popes that Karl has written about recently).

I strongly suspect that the term cannot be correctly applied to your average pentecostal congregation out there.

Jesus said to ‘love’ one another as He loves you. Jesus said He ‘loves’ all His children witch includes protestants. Did Jesus go to the destitute, poor and morally corrupt and preach His Gospel? Did Jesus turn away anyone who came to Him?:nope:

If they boycott your business because your Catholic how would you feel? How did the Jews feel when they were discriminated against by the NAZI’s? Are we any better then that?

Lets set the example and end religious persecution. I get enough of it and yes the Baptists from my old church don’t hide their bigotry towards me or my family. My real estate agent is Mormon and his next door Baptist neighbor used to be my friend. When this Baptist ‘neighbor’ found out who I was using to sell my house he said, “You can’t use him, he’s a Mormon and not a Christian!” I am not a bigot, I am a Christian. I don’t get even, I pray.:bowdown2:

Mt 6:9-15 "9 “This is how you are to pray: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, 10 your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven. 11 Give us today our daily bread; 12 and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; 13 and do not subject us to the final test, but deliver us from the evil one. 14 If you forgive others their transgressions, your heavenly Father will forgive you. 15 But if you do not forgive others, neither will your Father forgive your transgressions.”

I have a big problem with protestant proselytizing of Catholics. I have a bigger problem with Catholics being no better then that. Lets shine our light to them, not dim it to their level.

We pay taxes that support roads to Mormon temples, or pay the president to fly a B747 to Italy to speak with the Pope, buy goods made by the Mormon owned church businesses (They would be a fortune 500 company if taxable). We give money to protestants all the time. Do you ask who owns the McDonalds franchise when you buy a burger?

Now if they are ‘blackmailing’ you to advertise, which is not above some sects, that is illegal and un-Christian. How much are they charging? Is it too high? Do you want to advertise at all?

Advertise only if you want to. If the price is too high barter for a lower one. If its blackmail, well then you need to decide what to do and if you should call the law or a lawyer. (It sounds a lot like blackmail to me and that makes the preacher or whoever a criminal! A lawyer could give good advice here.)

Whatever you do, do only what Jesus would do in your shoes. Try to be Christ like and act in love.:love:
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