Everything the previous posts have said gives some very good tips. I worked that shift for most of my adult life for many of the same reasons they have said.
When first married we BOTH worked it and just turned our lives around to fit it… we stayed up til noon, got up by seven or eight or so, and then to work. Note, the same hours as if we worked day shift, but 12 hours later.
As the children came, he went on days, I stayed on nights, we never needed a baby sitter. I napped with them til they were in school, had supper and then napped again before work. Tried second shift for awhile, and that required a sitter for two hours on the days I worked, but did not work. I never was able to do anything with the extended family/friends, etc, though body wise (they called it circadia (sp) rhythm) it was perfect for me, but has never been best for family.
After I was alone raising our children, Night shift and weekends meant that I could fit my sleeping into the children’s schedules. If they had MD or DDS app’t, school events, etc, I could rearrange my sleep as needed for that day in order to take them to the app’ts or attend events, depending on during or after school, or evenings.
I still prefer that shift, as less bosses, less hassle, more responsibility (nurse) AND I can be available for my kids and grandkids the same way I always was. I would prefer to work three 12 hour shifts a week, but cannot always get that.
As for days off… it all depends on what is going on. If there is something I need to do in the AM, I stay up. If something to do in the evening, I go to bed soon after coming home, but am usually up til about nine or ten regardless, unwinding. I NOW work second and third (often in the same week) as I do agency nursing. It frees me to be off when I want to be off, and has many advantages that I did not have before. The drawback is occasionally being cancelled at last moments, and the varying shifts.
You will adjust as long as you remember that there are BENEFITS to this shift, and don’t look at JUST the negatives!!