My son, who is only 14, has voiced an interest in the priesthood since he was old enough to talk in full sentences! I am not sure how to be a good mother to a boy with such strong faith, and one whom I believe is truly being called into the priesthood. He says he prefers to go right out of high school and I’m not sure if I should encourage that, discourage that, or leave it be. My first instinct tells me to encourage him to explore college and other careers before making any finite decisions. The seminary he is looking at, I believe, does not even accept students right out of high school. However, I feel like by telling him he should explore other careers and make certain he does not meet someone he may like to marry is somehow dissuading him against his vocation. In the end, I know that God will see to it that he is where he needs to be when he needs to be there, but I feel that I need to also be the proper mother of a son in discernment, as this feels like a tremendous responsibility. Seeing how my own faith is weak and struggling, I am worried that I am not doing enough to maintain a strong Catholic atmosphere in which he can grow and continue to properly discern. I am trying, but my efforts seem slow and inadequate. Maybe I am worried for nothing, as I should trust that God will lead my son when I myself cannot…
Anyway, just looking for some advice on what my role is and how I should proceed, things I should say, things I shouldn’t say, etc.
Anyway, just looking for some advice on what my role is and how I should proceed, things I should say, things I shouldn’t say, etc.