Bless you for recognizing that things aren’t right in your world and for seeking guidance.
Make a big sign that says, “Thank you, God, for another beautiful day!” Put that sign where it is that your eyes usually land when you first open them in the morning. Immediately say, “Thank you, God, for another beautiful day,” before you do anything else, even if it’s pouring down rain and 33 degrees outside, with nary a hint of sunshine. Say it! Because each day that God permits us to partake of His bounty IS another beautiful day!
Then start praying as you get up & prepare for the day. Say prayers you’ve memorized & just plain talk to Our Lord, in your own words, about your concerns. Speak to each of our Triune God. Ask your Guardian Angel to be extra vigilant on your behalf. Use holy water. If you get into these habits, you will start to talk to God more often throughout your day, and you’ll be better able to withstand the ups and downs of life. Can’t think of anything to say? Doubting their reality? Tell them! Ask them to help you see, to help you believe, to help you trust.
Your intellect is a wonderful thing, and a terrible thing. The devil gleefully latches on to your ability to reason, influences what you determine to be fact or myth, and plants those seeds of doubt. Sic your Guardian Angel on him! I’m quite serious. Don’t get sidetracked by what you THINK that you perceive.
Sports, dances, parties, TV, cell phones and just goofing off often prod you to not give your best to your schoolwork or to your family, and faith begins to play second fiddle to these trivial pursuits. Ooops! It’s that old devil who does the prodding! Sic your Guardian Angel onto him!
Drive way out into the country. Breathe in the majesty of God’s creations all around you—the earth, the trees, bodies of water, the highest points of land—at sunrise, sunset, and all points in between. Use that intellect! Only God could create such magnificence!
Imagine the brains of the Being who designed the intricacies of our kidneys, our hearts, our livers, our brains, our eyes, our ears, our circulatory systems; even flies have blood! Marvel at His ingenuity!
Ask yourself what organization, other than the Roman Catholic Church, has lasted 1,986 years? (2,000 yrears in 2033.) Could a hoax possibly last that long?
Study the lives and customs of the Jewish people of Old Testament days to see how naturally Jesus developed our Holy Mass and how good it felt for those Jews who recognized Him as their Messiah. Read and reread Christ’s words! Believe! Trust!
Spend as much time as you can in the presence of Our Lord in Adoration. Let His radiance penetrate your bones, your innermost heart. Bask in His love. You will believe. Your faith will glow. Trust in Him!
God bless you!