Advice. I have not been confirmed!

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Well i was hoping someone could give me some advice. I’m 18 now and i have only been in touch with my faith for a year and a half. I chose not to be confirmed as at the time i did not believe in my faith. How do i organise my confirmation and what is the process or initiation procedure.

Thanks and God Bless
Since you are and adult, you will probably have to go through the RCIA program. I know this seems redundant since you probably have already done most of the learning already, but that will be the most likely path you will have to take.

Contact your parish priest immediately and he can give you advice on this.

Yes, contact your parish asap.

The good news is the instructional year is just beginning so there’s probably a good chance you can complete whatever program is required so that you can be confirmed at Easter with the others being welcomed into the Church. It’s a wonderful, beautiful service!

Right now the most important thing for you to do is to pray with the Church. Participate in Mass, receive the Eucharist if you can, Go to confession, say a Rosary or two… Sacramental Grace offered by the Church will give you strength.

By all means, get with a priest at your parish or a parish near you, even if it is when shaking hands after mass. Tell him you want to be confirmed, or that you are thinking about it. Others at the parish can help as well, The Religious Education Director or the people leading the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA), or a Deacon, or a friendly parishioner. Any Catholic worth his salt will want to get you in touch with the right person. If someone is not helpful don’t let them get in your way. Your soul is yours to keep.

No mater what happens, keep praying to the Holy Spirit for guidance. His gifts* are powerful. May you receive them and do your part in building the Kingdom of God.

*Wisdom, Understanding, Prudence (aka Right Judgement), Knowledge, Courage, Reverence, and Fear of the Lord (aka Wonder and Awe in the Lord)

Christ’s Peace,

Simply make an appointment with your parish priest and tell him what you’ve told us. He’ll tell you what you should do, if he wants you to enroll in RCIA or take a different route to be confirmed.
Welcome home! I, too, will be entering RCIA classes this fall.

If you go to the very top of this page, and click on Library, you can find a great article by (if memory serves, which it frequently doesn’t) Jimmy Akin, called “How to Become a Catholic.” I found it helpful!
If you are an adult baptized Catholic, you do not go through RCIA, you simply enter an adult confirmation preparation program, and when you, the catechist, the director and the pastor agree you are ready, you are presented to the Bishop for confirmation at the time and place set for your diocese. You may, as a matter of convenience and logistics, be taking all or part of your formation sessions with other adults, some of whom are not baptized and who are in the RICA process, but they are two different things. They are undergoing initial conversion and approaching full initiation into the Catholic Church. You have already received the gift of initial faith in your baptism, and seeking the confirmation of the Church, in the person of the bishop, of your initiation and fuller release of the gifts of the Holy Spirit and graces of baptism in your life. Talk to you pastor, or person in charge of sacramental preparation in your parish. In my parish our program is year round, so it only takes a year for adults to prepare for confirmation (shorter if they have always been practicing Catholics, attending Mass, living a moral life, and well instructed in the fundamentals of the faith).
Well i was hoping someone could give me some advice. I’m 18 now and i have only been in touch with my faith for a year and a half. I chose not to be confirmed as at the time i did not believe in my faith. How do i organise my confirmation and what is the process or initiation procedure.

Thanks and God Bless
Another thought for you- if you are going to college- try contacting the Catholic campus minstry. If you are not, many diocese have an office for young adults. Contacting the diocese you live in might yeild some information about programs for young adults where you could have some Catholic community as well as the formal stuff. Many times, young adults feel left out of the Church since formal education is over after Confirmation and some of these communities really help you to stay focused at a crucial time in your life. Bible study, Adoration, and Confession are all things to check out, as well. God bless you for being on the right path.
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