Right now the most important thing for you to do is to pray with the Church. Participate in Mass, receive the Eucharist if you can, Go to confession, say a Rosary or two… Sacramental Grace offered by the Church will give you strength.
By all means, get with a priest at your parish or a parish near you, even if it is when shaking hands after mass. Tell him you want to be confirmed, or that you are thinking about it. Others at the parish can help as well, The Religious Education Director or the people leading the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA), or a Deacon, or a friendly parishioner. Any Catholic worth his salt will want to get you in touch with the right person. If someone is not helpful don’t let them get in your way. Your soul is yours to keep.
No mater what happens, keep praying to the Holy Spirit for guidance. His gifts* are powerful. May you receive them and do your part in building the Kingdom of God.
*Wisdom, Understanding, Prudence (aka Right Judgement), Knowledge, Courage, Reverence, and Fear of the Lord (aka Wonder and Awe in the Lord)
Christ’s Peace,