Dr. Colossus:
Mixed-faith households can be a challenge. The best way to begin would be to find out specifcally what your husband’s problem with the decision is. How opposed is your husband to this decision? Has he attempted to expressly forbid your return? Is he just displeased? Is he worried that it will affect how you raise your children (if you have any now or will in the future)?
He simply does not believe in the Papacy, Marian doctrines, or things that are not sola scriptura or sola fide.
He would “allow” me to revert. Not expressly forbiding, but I know his displeasure by the verbal “jabs” about the Church.
This morning he was singing, (he makes up songs). “I’m a new Catholic boy and I don’t know what I’m doing…” LOL, oh dear Lord Bless Him! I’m not sure if he was being disrespectful or just trying to figure out where he’s going in this (in a strange sort of way). Maybe he will come around, but other conversations have been quite negative about the church.
He does work with a Catholic woman who has planted seeds, and he respects her, so we’ll see. Pray for him will ya!!!
He is not thrilled about having our marriage blessed, since we were married without a priest present in his Protestant church. (at the time, I didn’t know I had to have a priest, I was getting married in a Christian church afterall…)
He is not thrilled that a priest I spoke to at one time said our children were illegitimate in the church’s eyes. (Since our marriage is not valid) They were baptized in a Protestant church and were concieved & born after we were legally married. sigh!
He does worry about how it will affect the children. They attend a Protestant grade school, which they will probably remain at.