Advice on daily life

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Okay here is something I feel I need help with. I am a convert, so I am still finding out new things about the Church all the time; and I am still trying to implement these traditions into my own life. What I need help with is trying to follow through with doing works a good Catholic and Christian does.

I go to mass every week, I am a Eucharistic Minister now, my husband and I are ushers as well. These are good - but not enough. I have trouble undertaking things such as - the rosary daily or even weekly, formal prayer and crossing myself outside of mass ( I pray constantly in my day - just usually in my head while doing something else), daily mass, grace at meals, and dedicated Bible study, charity work, etc.

Some of these are just going to take time -I think - adjusting from a protestant lifestyle to now Catholic, but some of this I KNOW I need to be better. Knowing and doing are two different animals … . . .

Any practical advice on how to get in the swing of things would be appreciated!! 🙂
…What I need help with is trying to follow through with doing works a good Catholic and Christian does.

…I have trouble undertaking things such as - the rosary daily or even weekly, formal prayer and crossing myself outside of mass ( I pray constantly in my day - just usually in my head while doing something else), daily mass, grace at meals, and dedicated Bible study, charity work, etc.

Some of these are just going to take time -I think - adjusting from a protestant lifestyle to now Catholic, but some of this I KNOW I need to be better. Knowing and doing are two different animals …
I wouldn’t worry so much about doing things like crossing yourself outside of Mass, especially since you pray constantly. We are a eucharistic people and Sunday reception of the Holy Eucharist in Mass is what you need to do…things like praying the rosary daily are great (yet I still have no real attachment to this devotion and I struggle with it)…daily Mass, hence, daily reception of the Eucharist, would be like THE thing to make you grow the most, but this isn’t always possible for people. Like many of the protestants, daily reading of scripture should be strived for–even if only a few verses, preferrably, the readings of the day. Grace at meals? Do it on the buddy system–I would forget frequently, but my 7 year old and, get this, my non-Catholic husband are the ones who always remember!

Don’t focus so much on the works…they come out of your growing love for Christ and your frequent reception of Him in Holy Communion. There was absolutely nothing that worked for me better than frequent reception of Holy Communion. Pray daily and grow in your love, and works will follow…it’s not the “works,” it’s the works that comes from faith and love.

Just try sitting alone in a quiet place each and every day and feeling the presence of Jesus and then just talk with him in your thoughts or words. Ask Him what He wants you to do and then listen.
As was stated above, don’t focus on the works themselves. Just come to know Christ even more deeply through the church, and wait for the works to manifest themselves on their own.

That having been said, if there are pius habits that you’ve already discerned you want to pick up on your own, just focus on one at a time. Try to incorporate one thing into your life, until its solidly there, before moving on to the next.

Oh thanks to you all so far. This is some great “meat and potatoes” stuff to work with. If you dont mind . . . keep them coming!!! 😃 Work in progress here!
Q) How do you eat an elephant?
A) One bite at a time!

Start off by setting aside some time in the week to make one daily mass. Do you work? You can go during lunch one day. Look at to find a local daily mass. After a while, you’ll find you’ll be wanting to go more than once a week.

Why are you having difficulty saying a rosary? If “praying to Mary” is a problem (of course, it shouldn’t be, but we understand some people’s reservations), try a Scriptural Rosary. Each “Hail Mary” is preceded by a Scripture verse that is dedicated to the “Mystery” you are on. This helps to clarify in your mind that your are meditating on the life of Jesus. In time, you’ll come to appreciate Mary’s role as our “Gebirah”, and understand how she only focuses us on Jesus.

I needed to exercise and never would because it was boring. So I began saying my daily rosaries while walking on a treadmill. It improved my body and my soul (Win-Win!!).

Don’t forget, your current habit of daily prayers are highly appreciated by God. Nobody in the Catholic Church should try to wean you off of those, if that’s where your comfort zone is.

Last but not least, remember the phrase,
“That which is not growing, is dying!”

We should constantly be trying to grow in faith in the Lord.

God Bless,

Q) How do you eat an elephant?
A) One bite at a time!

Start off by setting aside some time in the week to make one daily mass. Do you work? You can go during lunch one day. Look at to find a local daily mass. After a while, you’ll find you’ll be wanting to go more than once a week.

Why are you having difficulty saying a rosary? If “praying to Mary” is a problem (of course, it shouldn’t be, but we understand some people’s reservations), try a Scriptural Rosary. Each “Hail Mary” is preceded by a Scripture verse that is dedicated to the “Mystery” you are on. This helps to clarify in your mind that your are meditating on the life of Jesus. In time, you’ll come to appreciate Mary’s role as our “Gebirah”, and understand how she only focuses us on Jesus.

I needed to exercise and never would because it was boring. So I began saying my daily rosaries while walking on a treadmill. It improved my body and my soul (Win-Win!!).

Don’t forget, your current habit of daily prayers are highly appreciated by God. Nobody in the Catholic Church should try to wean you off of those, if that’s where your comfort zone is.

Last but not least, remember the phrase,
“That which is not growing, is dying!”

We should constantly be trying to grow in faith in the Lord.

God Bless,

Thank you for all your (name removed by moderator)ut. I do not work except for selling Avon - not attending daily mass is my own fault alone. The concept of praying the rosary, hail mary’s, and meditations on the mysteries are not difficult - just making the time to do it. I think okay I will sit down and do it then on my way I will see dishes that need done, or laundry to be done, or an errand to town . . . so on. Again, my own fault for not making the time to spend on this very worthy activity.

I talked to my husband tonight about some of these things that had been bothering me. He is going to help me and get us more involved together. Maybe I will stick with it and take advantage of the blessings that come along with it while spending quality time with the hubby! Win Win right? 🙂

Hope the rain we are having will keep up along with some sunshine. Perfect conditions for growth! 😃
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