Advice on priesthood

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As of recent I as many of you I’m sure could tell have been struggling with scrupulosity and for a sec unhealthy fasting. The reason for a lot of this is my anxiety on the priesthood. I have for 3-4 years been getting ready and setting myself up for a jazz career. But in the last 2-3 years I found the church. From the beginning of my life I’ve always felt called to ministry initially wanting to be a pastor like my dad when he was one. After the first 5-6 months of coming to Catholic Church I already felt a call to the priesthood. Under meditation and wisdom from reading comments by you guys on similar posts, I decided it was probably a yearning for the sacraments. And in that yearning and wanting to be closer to the sacraments I used the priest as an example of being close to the sacraments; and wanted to become a priest because of that. Or to say it less it in a less long winded way; I wanted the sacraments not the priesthood. But the feeling and calling to the priesthood never went away. Through all my ups and downs. All my screw ups and successes I always felt this calling to be a priest. The Mass, Sacraments,and Sharing of the Good News has consistently made me the happiest in my life. I talked with my youth minister who has known me from the beginning of my journey and talked about my vocation and whether or not he thought I was worth it to bring it up with the vocations office. (I would’ve talked to our priests but we’re having priest reassignments really soon). He said that it sounded like I had a legitimate calling and I should talk with the vocations office. But this calling feels so hard to say yes to. I know I will be so happy if I joined or applied for seminary. But I have such a promising career ahead of me and it’s what everyone expects of me. On top of that I feel almost not “holy” enough to be a priest. I feel like I’m not at the priest “expectation”. So in response to all this uncertainty and anxiety, I tried fasting and then started to get scrupulosity mildly as well as made a promise to God that I’m not sure is beneficial or not. But In the past 1-2 weeks I have been working on these problems and am trying to trust God more. So what do you guys think I should do that is constructive to my discernment (I already am praying daily). As well as any wisdom you may have for me! Thank you and God Bless!
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I think you need to sell counseling for your anxiety and scrupulosity, especially since it’s leading you to some unhealthy habits with regard to fasting. You need to get those kinds of issues under control before you can really make much progress in discernment. That’s why seminary formation includes human formation. Grace builds upon nature, and in order to be good priests we have to be good men. This is not to say you have to completely eradicate all your issues before you could get into seminary and get ordained. It’s rather that part of the process will involve finding healing for those issues.

I also think you need to make sure you’re not getting ahead of yourself. You’ve been Catholic for barely two months. Focus on learning the faith and the routine of things, and then worry about your discernment.

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I would talk to a priest. I would also seek to find a spiritual advisor. I would be diligent and patient with regard to my studies, including works of the saints . I would also, perhaps, seek a retreat at a traditional monastery.
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After St. Edith Stein became a Catholic, she wanted to become a Carmelite. Her spiritual father told her to wait a few years and then go to Carmel, which she did. After 2-3 years, then he gave her permission to enter Carmel.

Suggestions; Learn more about the Faith first, then go on retreat to discern your vocation.
Thank you I appreciate it I’ll talk to my spiritual director. But will definitely keep that in mind!
True story: When I was engaged (this is ~ 20 yrs ago), my parents couldn’t stand my fiance, my coworkers loved him and I just had to get away in order to think straight.

On retreat, I told the priest my situation. He didn’t try to sway me one way or another but simply said: “Our Lord Jesus Christ is the best Spouse of all, and He always provides.”

Immediately I knew I had to break it off, which I did after retreat. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be replying to you today. I’d be in a bad marriage too.

Seriously, any one considering a life vocation (priesthood, religious life, marriage) should go on retreat to help discern their vocation.

And I’ll bet that your spiritual director would agree with that too. 😁

Did you go to Seminary?

If you did, did the above mentioned things happen to you?

If you didn’t, how do you know what you’re talking about?
You’re right. I talked to my priest about my promise at confession which is a relief and he said it was not binding. I also think, on your recommendation, I will be more open with those who I trust about my stresses and anxieties surrounding this. You are a very wise guy and I trust that God will help lead me on whatever path I may go down, so that it may glorify him!
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