This is a hard one to write. Does anyone have experience/advice for me on the following: (Please - no comments that start with “you should have”
He has lied, and i cannot tell when he is lying. He told me twice he had put his open house/graduation money in savings. He lied, and it is all gone. So I’m assuming he lied about not drinking. This is the worst that I have dealt with, but it has been brewing below the surface for a year.
This is my dilemma:
He is accepted to a Christian university and has also been accepted to play football for them. He keeps saying he plans on going and even shows up to fill out paperwork and make himself available for things like getting the sports physical, etc. He has signed up for classes and has filled out the paperwork for the loans. Sometimes I feel like I should continue to get him there to get him out of this crowd. But then other times I think that it would be wrong to send a known discipline problem down there and cause the staff and fellow students grief for having to deal with his immaturity and lack of intent to be Christian.
How do universities (esp. Christian) really feel about students like my son coming into their system??
Thanks in advance.
- Just-turned-18 and just -graduated son has decided that the house rules are not his to have to go by. He had told me a couple of months ago he wanted to move into his friend’s fixed-up garage (it is an apartment) on the parent’s property. The parents are non-Christian and have a hands-off style of parenting. I forbid it. When I look back on the past schoolyear, his behavior was headed this way, but it really did deteriorate after graduation. when he took off for an entire weekend (with a car he shares with his brother), I hunted him down, got the car back, and told him it would be a good idea to stay in the friend’s place. After I got the car home, I found my tent in the trunk that he had snuck out as well as some empties of Smirnoff and Mike’s Hard Lemonade. Of course, he blamed it on someone else.
He has lied, and i cannot tell when he is lying. He told me twice he had put his open house/graduation money in savings. He lied, and it is all gone. So I’m assuming he lied about not drinking. This is the worst that I have dealt with, but it has been brewing below the surface for a year.
This is my dilemma:
He is accepted to a Christian university and has also been accepted to play football for them. He keeps saying he plans on going and even shows up to fill out paperwork and make himself available for things like getting the sports physical, etc. He has signed up for classes and has filled out the paperwork for the loans. Sometimes I feel like I should continue to get him there to get him out of this crowd. But then other times I think that it would be wrong to send a known discipline problem down there and cause the staff and fellow students grief for having to deal with his immaturity and lack of intent to be Christian.
How do universities (esp. Christian) really feel about students like my son coming into their system??
Thanks in advance.