I was wondering if any of you would be able to give me some advice about something. I am married with two children, a six-year old and a four-year old. When I was 17 years old I became pregnant, and I decided to put my baby up for adoption (for other reasons I won’t get into, beside the fact that I was a kid myself, this was the very best thing to do for my child). I’ve never shared this with my children that I have now, but I want them to know about this. I would hate to just drop some big surprise on them when they are adults, or if my son I put up for adoption decided he wanted to meet me. Is there a good age to talk to a child about this? Do I just sit down with my 6-year old son when he reaches a certain age and tell him everything, or do I try to start sharing this with him now in a way he may be able to grasp and answer questions as they come up over time? Hope this doesn’t sound dumb, but I am hoping that someone may have had a similar expeience or know someone else who has. Thanks!