Advice Please!!!

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Hey Everyone!

I was wondering if anyone would be able to give me some advice. See I have been having a rough summer, and have found myself in a spiritual rut. I was recently broken up with by an amazing Catholic guy who really strengthened my relationship with Jesus, than I found out that my mom has cancer, and have been battleing with my 15 year old sister about why she shouldn’t be drinking alcohal (to mention a few of the things that have happened this summer).

Through all of the things I have felt as if my life is falling apart, and my relationship with Jesus is going down with it. I have been praying and seeking God harder than ever, and have received nothing … In prayer, adoration, retreats, ect. I have not felt the presences of the Lord. I use to feel Him very strongly, I could feel Him speak to my heart, but now that I need Him the most, I feel nothing but loneliness! I know that God is with me, but it seems as if His lips are sealed, and I am confined to being by myself. It’s like a spiritual desert … and it has made me very sad and upset with God!

Please help me if you can … Do you have any suggestions to bring me back to the all consuming presence of the Lord? And if not, would you at least pray for me and all of the others who may be suffering in the same way?

Thank You for your time! May God’s graces and Holy Spirit forever fall upon you!

I think we all have had the same kind of experience at one time or another. It’s at times like this that we must try even harder to maintain our walk with Jesus. In my own experience, when I have gone through “dry” periods, I tried to force myself to think of Him at all times. I think that when He sees us making the effort to find Him it pleases Him, and He will let Himself be found.

Sometimes, we try too hard to see, hear or find Jesus. So, it’s good to remember the first book of Kings when Elijah said that he didn’t find God in an earthquake, in the wind or in fire, but in a “still small voice”, (or, as it is rendered in the Jerusalem Bible, “a gentle breeze”). And, an even greater blessing, for you, would be if you could see Him in your sister, as difficult as it may be.

Believe me when I say I’ve had very similar experiences in my life. And, as much as I wanted to give up the faith, looking back, I’m kind of glad things happened the way they did. The hard knocks of life are wonderful teachers. But, please, don’t get mad at God. When we do that, I think it’s because we feel God isn’t living up to **our **expectations of Him.

“Father, not my will, but your will be done.”

I’ll say a prayer for you. Hang in there, and may God bless you abundantly. :love:

(You may want to re-post this under the Family Life section. You’ll probably get more responses)
Hey Everyone!

I was wondering if anyone would be able to give me some advice. See I have been having a rough summer, and have found myself in a spiritual rut. I was recently broken up with by an amazing Catholic guy who really strengthened my relationship with Jesus, than I found out that my mom has cancer, and have been battleing with my 15 year old sister about why she shouldn’t be drinking alcohal (to mention a few of the things that have happened this summer).

Through all of the things I have felt as if my life is falling apart, and my relationship with Jesus is going down with it. I have been praying and seeking God harder than ever, and have received nothing … In prayer, adoration, retreats, ect. I have not felt the presences of the Lord. I use to feel Him very strongly, I could feel Him speak to my heart, but now that I need Him the most, I feel nothing but loneliness! I know that God is with me, but it seems as if His lips are sealed, and I am confined to being by myself. It’s like a spiritual desert … and it has made me very sad and upset with God!

Please help me if you can … Do you have any suggestions to bring me back to the all consuming presence of the Lord? And if not, would you at least pray for me and all of the others who may be suffering in the same way?

Thank You for your time! May God’s graces and Holy Spirit 1
forever fall upon you!
Dear Brother,
I feel for you. I have been down that road where problems arise
and God seems so distant.
People will curse God for not being right there helping
with their situations and in many instances those members
of our family depart and become non believers aswell.
You are grasping for the Holy spirit.I don’t know your life
but I have learn in my life that when we ar trying to get
closer to God that Satan comes in to pull us away.
You have to know that Satan exists, Jesus our Lord told
us.God has to let us run our lifes out without him by our
side because if he did it for us we would not have grown
in his ways, which is necessary.God led by example,
God took human form show us that we can suffer alot and
not yield to Satan.In all branches of Arm forces of the United States their is the motto “lead by example”.Reason not ot expect unresonable things of them. Example not to ask their
men swim across the atlantic ocean if they themselves
can not do it.Also to show their men that what they are
asking is attainable.So, you are in the depths of a dark
spot in your life right, but you can pull yourself out. That
is why I believe in my heart that God took human form, to go through all the evils and overcome and show us that we can do it too.The heart is where Faith is developed and the will as well.
Through prayer, I have founded out that praying by
myself in the mornings when I wake up and at night before
I go to bed God will assit me with my difficulties.
You wont see imediate direct results, because God wants
us to depend on him and trust him, not because we
see him helping us directly, but because of faith.
In companies where we work we act accordinly to
company policies because of fear of getting in trouble if we
dont.God wants us to act accordinly because we love him
and have faith not because of fear.
Your heart is telling you to hang on, and not depart
from God.Remain strong like men that gone before us
And I promise you as time goes on[If you prevail and not
abandane God] that you will feel the presence of the Lord
closer and Satan will release his grasp on you.
George Trevino
Earlier this year my mother was diagnosed with cancer, January 6 to be exact. Eight months later the treatment is nearning an end. The cancer was severe (3c) and so surgery was first, then chemo, then radiation. It was really hard.

My brothers are 18, 17 and 15…and them and their cousins find nothing wrong with dringing…they ofen encourage me to join them. I know how hard that can be. It grieves me alot.

My best advice is to pray and rely on your pairsh community. There are SO many other thing in my life that I have to deal with and its really hard. There are others beside a bf that can help you with your faith.
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