Advice Please!!!

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Hey Everyone!

I was wondering if anyone would be able to give me some advice. See I have been having a rough summer, and have found myself in a spiritual rut. I was recently broken up with by an amazing Catholic guy who really strengthened my relationship with Jesus, than I found out that my mom has cancer, and I have been battleing with my 15 year old sister about why she shouldn’t be drinking alcohal (just to mention a few of the things that have happened this summer).

Through all of the things I have felt as if my life is falling apart, and my relationship with Jesus is going down with it. I have been praying and seeking God harder than ever, and have received nothing … In prayer, adoration, retreats, ect. I have not felt the presences of the Lord. I use to feel Him very strongly, I could feel Him speak to my heart, but now that I need Him the most, I feel nothing but loneliness! I know that God is with me, but it seems as if His lips are sealed, and I am confined to being by myself. It’s like a spiritual desert … and it has made me very sad and upset with God!

Please help me if you can … Do you have any suggestions to bring me back to the all consuming presence of the Lord? And if not, would you at least pray for me and all of the others who may be suffering in the same way?

Thank You for your time! May God’s graces and Holy Spirit forever fall upon you!
  • Stefanie Rae Cecilia
    Island Lake, IL
Hi Stefanie –

Please be comforted by the fact that we all go through times where our spiritual life feels dry. These are difficult times, but they are also times of growth and times where we can persevere in prayer and show our faithfullness to Jesus, in spite of how we “feel.”

Just as we aren’t always head-over-heels in love all the time with someone on earth, so there are times in our relationship with God where we don’t always feel excited, or comforted, or peaceful.

Just remember the He is always there, He is loving you all the time, and He’s never more than a whisper away, whether you feel His Presence or not.

I would suggest you spend some time before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament at whatever church has adoration. He pours out His love for us when we spend time with Him there.

You might also want to go to reconciliation. Sometimes when we have a time of such spiritual growth, our spiritual enemy attacks because he doesn’t want us to get any closer to Jesus. Reconciliation gives us special graces and brings us closer to Our Lord by erasing any sins that block our relationship.

Most of all, KEEP PRAYING! Even when you don’t feel like it! Short prayers are fine – Jesus be with me; Jesus help me; Lord have mercy; I love You, Jesus.

You’re in my prayers tonight!
Hey Everyone!

I was wondering if anyone would be able to give me some advice. See I have been having a rough summer, and have found myself in a spiritual rut. I was recently broken up with by an amazing Catholic guy who really strengthened my relationship with Jesus, than I found out that my mom has cancer, and I have been battleing with my 15 year old sister about why she shouldn’t be drinking alcohal (just to mention a few of the things that have happened this summer).
Hi Stefyrae,

I have had a pretty hard summer too, different battles than you are tlaking about. I am actually glad the semester is starting next week so that I can just focus on school.

Have you told a priest how you are feeling?? He may be able to discern ways to help you.

And yes I will pray for you right now.
Besides the obvious, “We walk by faith and not by sight,” let me encourage you to remain faithful in all that you have done before you felt spiritually dry. We often forget that to be a disciple, we must have discipline. As often as you attend Mass, continue to attend Mass. As often as you pray your rosary, continue to pray, etc.

Visit a Catholic bookstore and find a good devotional book and read a little each day. Stay close to Jesus in the Eucharist, both through Communion and Adoration.

I am sure that all this you know, so I will just pray that you will have the discipline to live what you know. Find some Catholic friends also to hold you accountable.

My personal favorite devotional book is Imitation of Christ.
Hi Stephanie,

It is so wonderful you have reached out to us with your post asking for advice. By reaching out like you have you will receive many answers and many prayers and you will feel all of us with you–you are not alone in your struggles! I commend you for doing this–it takes courage and an open heart.

Something I do when I feel the ways you described is send out an email to all my friends asking for their prayers during my difficult time. Then I receive their emails back reassuring me of their love and prayers. It helps me immensely when I am struggling, for whatever reason.

And as the other posters also said, do continue to pray as you have and attend Mass often. The Rosary is truly an inspiration and comfort to me and may be for you, too. And the short prayers–yes! Those always help me, too.

You will come through this time and you will be strengthened by it. The Lord is with you just as much now as He ever was and He will continue to be. Hang in there, sister! :yup: And God bless!

Hi Stephanie,

You may not be feeling God’s presence, but he will never leave you. I am also going through the desert these days in the biggest trial of my life - as it seems so many of us are.

Keep on praying, like everyone has suggested. Pray for the Holy Spirit to fill you. Get to Eucharistic Adoration, and toss a scapular around your neck. Stay close to the sacraments.

God is stretching your faith right now and allowing you to grow through this trial for a reason. Sometimes he lets us experience the desert, a place where we feel alone. It is in these times where our faith and love for Him grows.

He will bless you and I will pray for you.
I have found that attending mass one day during the week, (and of course on Sunday), praying the rosary everyday, and talking to God throughout my day helps me get through the roughest of days. I hang bible verses on my computer as reminders of Jesus’ love for us and Gods willingness to forgive. I also wear some type of blessed religious medal or cross around my neck everyday as a reminder of my faith and for protection against evil. I was in that desert for many many years, but have found refuge. God Bless you in the crosses that you are called to bear and “keep the faith”.
St. John of the Cross spoke of “The dark night of the soul.” And I read somewhere that Mother Theresa suffered from something like this for years. It isn’t unusual. I, too, suffered from something like this. See, I’ve had major depression since the age of 7, I’m now 42. This put up a major block between God and I.

I’m still working on it, and will be the rest of my life. But I have finally figured out that this is the cross that I’m to carry in this life. At least for now. Keep praying, and remember that Jesus said that he would never leave or forsake us.
Christy Beth:
St. John of the Cross spoke of “The dark night of the soul.” And I read somewhere that Mother Theresa suffered from something like this for years. It isn’t unusual. I, too, suffered from something like this. See, I’ve had major depression since the age of 7, I’m now 42. This put up a major block between God and I.

I’m still working on it, and will be the rest of my life. But I have finally figured out that this is the cross that I’m to carry in this life. At least for now. Keep praying, and remember that Jesus said that he would never leave or forsake us.
Christy Beth,
He loves you more than you will ever know…Sometimes it seems like those He loves the most (not that I think He loves me more than any ) receive
“A kiss from the Cross” and I don’t even remember where I heard that, but it helped me through some trying times. I just felt to say this to you… Annunciata:)
p.s. I know a little about “The Dark Night” too…
Footprints in the Sand

One night I dreamed I was walking along the beach with the Lord.
Many scenes from my life flashed across the sky.
In each scene I noticed footprints in the sand.
Sometimes there were two sets of footprints,
other times there was one only.
This bothered me because I noticed that during the low periods of my life,
when I was suffering from anguish,
sorrow or defeat,
I could see only one set of footprints,
so I said to the Lord,
“You promised me Lord,
that if I followed you,
you would walk with me always.
But I have noticed that during the most trying periods of my life
there has only been one set of footprints in the sand.
Why, when I needed you most, have you not been there for me?”
The Lord replied,
“The years when you have seen only one set of footprints,
my child, is when I carried you.”
Check out my meditation on “Growing in the Spiritual Desert”.

At times our growth in the Lord requires our faith to grow and so we do not feel His wonderful presence like we would like to. Have faith in Him, Trust in Him, and carry on as if His presence was present to you.
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